Birchstone Brief for the week ended 15 July 2022
News and Events
Section 100A Documentation Pack
30 June has come and gone and now is the time to put in place documentation for your clients to protect against the risk of section 100A applying.
Our section 100A documentation pack includes a template letter and beneficiary instruction form for trustees to send to beneficiaries?after?30 June.?This practical resource is designed to minimise the risk of section 100A applying by clearly documenting that the beneficiary is aware of their trust entitlement and has made an independent decision on what to do with it. These documents have been informed by the law on section 100A, and takes into account the latest ATO guidance (TR 2022/D1, PCG 2022/D1 and TA 2022/1).
You can purchase the Section 100A Documentation Pack?here?for $99. Once you purchase the Section 100A Documentation Pack you will receive a link to download the template letter and beneficiary instruction form (in Microsoft Word format) and this can be used for all of your clients.
ATO Updates
Determination on Div 7A, UPEs and sub-trusts finalised
The ATO released?TD 2022/11?on 13 July 2022.?The Determination finalises?TD 2022/D1?and sets out the Commissioner’s updated views on when an unpaid present entitlement (UPE) or amount held on sub-trust constitutes the provision of financial accommodation for Div 7A purposes.
The finalised Determination contains a significant change in the Commissioner’s view regarding the timing of when a private company beneficiary will be taken to know of a present entitlement conferred upon it. In TD 2022/D1, the Commissioner’s view was that the time when the amount of a beneficiary’s entitlement is known depends on how that entitlement is expressed. That is, if a trustee resolved to make a private company beneficiary presently entitled to:
(TD 2022/D1 at [11]).
In comparison, the Commissioner’s view as expressed in the finalised Determination is that the time when the amount of a private company beneficiary’s entitlement is known will typically arise at the end of the income year (that is, in the following income year), regardless of how the entitlement is expressed (TD 2022/11 at [12]).
In summary, the Commissioner’s updated position is that a private company provides ‘financial accommodation’ for the purposes of Div 7A:
A private company will be deemed to have the requisite knowledge at the same time as the trustee/sub-trustee if it and the relevant trustee/sub-trustee have the same ‘directing mind and will’.
TD 2022/11 applies to trust entitlements arising on or after 1 July 2022. For entitlements arising before 1 July 2022, the Commissioner has undertaken not to devote compliance resources to sub-trust arrangements entered into in reliance on the guidance contained in?TR 2010/3?and?PS LA 2010/4?(both of which were withdrawn with effect from 1 July 2022), even if the relevant sub-trust is created after 1 July 2022.
COVID-19 relief for SMSF trustees has ended
The ATO has issued a?reminder?for the trustees and approved auditors of SMSFs that the relief and support offered to SMSFs financially impacted by COVID-19 ended on 30 June 2022. This included:
As a result of the relief, which was offered in recognition of the significant financial impact COVID-19 had on SMSFs, trustees (or a related party of an SMSF) were permitted to provide or accept certain types of relief which technically resulted in contraventions of the superannuation law.
Since the relief is now at an end, for the 2022-23 income year and later income years:
If a contravention does occur, trustees should use the ATO’s voluntary disclosure service and make a plan to rectify the contravention as soon as possible. The ATO will consider any voluntary disclosures when determining what actions to take.?
Rulings issued
The ATO has issued the following:
Other News
Renewing tax or BAS agent registration
The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has?released?a number of tips to help tax and BAS agents through the process of renewing their registrations. The TPB also reminds agents they must renew their registration at least 30 days (but not more than 90 days) before it expires.