BIRAC Rs. 2.10 Lakh pm Pay Job, CSIR-NCL Project Training/ Internship, Student Internship with Fellowship at MNNIT , BIRAC Rs 75000 Salary Job
Apply online for BIRAC Biological Life Sciences Jobs with a monthly pay of Rs 2.10 Lakh. Exciting opportunities in the life sciences field.
Apply online for the CSIR NCL Project Training Internship. Gain practical experience and training in cutting-edge projects.
Hurry up and apply for CUET PG 2024 as registrations are extended. Don't miss the last days to apply for postgraduate programs.
Apply online for BIRAC Jobs with vacancies for BSc, MSc, and PhD candidates in Life Sciences. Monthly pay of Rs 75,000.
Apply now for the student internship at MNNIT for BTech and MSc students. Fellowship included in this exciting opportunity.
Walk-in for CSIR IICT MSc, BTech Jobs in Biotech and Microbiology. Explore job opportunities with CSIR IICT.
Enroll in the AI & ML in Drug Discovery Training Program. Upgrade your skills in drug discovery using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Applications are invited for the Institute of Neurosciences hiring for Project Technical Support. Join the neuroscience field.
Enroll in the CRISPR-Cas9 14 Days Wet Lab Hands-On Training at IISC Incubated Lab. Enhance your skills in protein design and gene editing techniques.
Apply for AIIMS ICMR Delhi Jobs in Life Sciences. Exciting opportunity for a non-medical role. Explore job openings.
Attend the walk-in interview for ICAR IISR SRF Recruitment in Life Sciences and Microbiology. Explore research opportunities.
Apply online for the GSK Medical Writer Life Sciences Job. Exciting opportunity for PhD holders in the life sciences field.
Apply for the IIT Gandhinagar Special PhD Admission Drive for the academic year 2024-25. Explore special admission opportunities.
Apply for the Sun Pharma Biotech Manager IP position in Biotech, Biochem, and Microbiology. Explore managerial roles in the biotech industry.
Apply online for the Thermo Fisher Protein Biology Scientist Job. Exciting opportunity in the field of protein biology research.
Apply for the Life Sciences job opportunity at Novotech. Explore the role of Document Management Associate in the field of clinical research.
Apply for ClonZBio Hiring in Biotech and Life Sciences. Explore the opportunity to work as a QC Executive in a dynamic research environment.