Biotecnika Times Newsletter UPSC, CCRAS-CARI, DST-INSPIRE Fellowship + Much More
UPSC Biochem, Biology, Botany & Zoology Scientist Job Openings, Apply Online. UPSC Recruitment Latest. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below
DST Inspire Fellowship 2022-23. Call for applications under INSPIRE Fellowship-2022 has been extended to till 31st January 2023. DST INSPIRE Faculty 2022 – Call For Applications Under INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship.
The scholarship will provide funding for exam preparation materials, as well as opportunities for internships and workshops to help students gain hands-on experience in their field of study.
CCRAS-CARI Biological Sciences SRF Job Opening, Attend Walk-In. MSc Biological Sciences job openings at CCRAS-CARI.
Cheminformatics is a rapidly growing field that combines chemistry and informatics to facilitate the acquisition, storage, management, analysis, and dissemination of chemical and related biological data.
This webinar will discuss the latest advances in cervical cancer screening, including new technologies and techniques for early diagnosis. Why is early diagnosis key to early intervention and saving half a million lives?
TIGS Research Associate Job Opening For PhD Candidates, Apply Now. PhD Candidates Apply.
CSIR-CCMB Project Openings For Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Candidates, Apply Online. Project associate job.
TIFR Biological Sciences Postdoctoral Positions Recruitment, Applications Invited. PhD Biological Sciences Job.
CSIR-NEERI MSc Botany, Life Sciences Project Associate Recruitment. MSc project associate job at CSIR-NEERI
RCB Hiring Biotech Apprentices With Monthly Stipend - Applications Invited. Regional Centre for Biotechnology Engagement of Apprentice Notification.
MAHE Research Fellow Job For MSc Biochem, Cell Bio, Mol Bio. Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal Apply.
Merck Job Opening For MSc, PhD Life Sciences Candidates, Apply Online. Merck Life Sciences Job 2022.
ILS Bioinformatics Job Opening - MSc, BSc Life Sciences Apply. BSc, MSc, MTech Biotechnology, Life Sciences candidates apply for Project Jobs.
AIIMS Delhi Job Openings For MSc Genetics, Biochem, Bioinformatics. AIIMS New Delhi Job Openings.
Biotech Research Associate Job Opening at UPL, Apply Online. PhD Biotech, Biochem and Microbiology Senior Research Associate job opening at UPL.
IISER Tirupati MSc Biology JRF/PA Job Recruitment, Applications Invited. MSc SRF/PA Job. Project jobs at IISER Tirupati
TERI Freshers Jobs MSc, MTech Biotech, Genetics, Microbiology Apply. Interested and eligible candidates with MSc