Biotecnika Times Newsletter - National Tiger Conservation Authority Research Jobs, Freshers Jobs + Much More

Biotecnika Times Newsletter - National Tiger Conservation Authority Research Jobs, Freshers Jobs + Much More

National Tiger Conservation Authority Research Associate Recruitment For MSc Zoology, Botany, Biological & Life Sciences

National Tiger Conservation Authority Research Associate Recruitment For MSc Zoology, Botany, Biological & Life Sciences. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below

Freshers Job Opening at SJRI For MSc Biotech, Life Sciences, Microbiology

Freshers Job Opening at SJRI For MSc Biotech, Life Sciences, Microbiology. MSc Biotech, Microbiology & Life Sciences vacancy is available at SJRI - St. John's Research Institute. St. John's Research Institute recruitment for MSc candidates. Check out all of the details below

CSIR-NCL MSc Life Sciences Project Job - NON-NET Can Also Apply

NCL Project Vacancy MSc Life Sciences Apply Online. NCL Pune is hiring MSc life sciences candidates for project associate positions. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details below

THSTI Life Sciences Technical Officer Jobs With Salary Ranging From Rs. 75,000 to 85,000 pm

THSTI Life Sciences Technical Officer Jobs With Salary Ranging From Rs. 75,000 to 85,000 pm. MSc Life Sciences jobs. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below

GATE Engineering Maths Ultimate Revision Course + COMPLETE FORMULA SHEET

Math can be tough, but acing the GATE engineering exam doesn't have to be! The GATE Engineering Maths Ultimate Revision Course is your ultimate weapon in the fight against math anxiety. You'll be tackling the toughest math concepts and topics with confidence in no time. Don't let math hold you back from achieving your dream.

How To Earn Crores in Biotech Sector - Bio Entrepreneurship National Workshop 2023

Are you ready to be a part of the biotech revolution and earn crores? This comprehensive program will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to start and grow a successful biotech business.

Lakshya Scholarship Notification 2023 - Fund Your Exam Preparation + Get Internships & Workshops

The scholarship will provide funding for exam preparation materials, as well as opportunities for internships and workshops to help students gain hands-on experience in their field of study.

Bioinformatics Global Tools & Techniques 21 Days Exclusive Hands-on Internship

This internship is designed to provide students and professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the various bioinformatics tools and techniques used in the analysis of biological data.

ICMR-NIN MSc Life Sciences, Biotech, Biochem, Microbiology Project Recruitment

ICMR-NIN MSc Life Sciences, Biotech, Biochem, Microbiology Project Recruitment. MSc Life Sciences / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Applied Nutrition / Bio-informatics Project Assistant position

CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory MSc & BTech Project Job For Biotech, Biochem, Life Sciences

CSIR-NCL Project Vacancy BTech, MSc Life Sciences - Apply. NCL Pune is hiring MSc, BTech Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, Microbiology candidates for project associate positions.

Teaching Opportunity at RGCB For PhD Life Sciences With Rs. 60,000 pm Pay

Teaching Opportunity at RGCB For PhD Life Sciences With Rs. 60,000 pm Pay. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Job.

ACTREC Scientific Assistant Job For MSc, MTech & BTech Biotech, Life Sciences

ACTREC Mumbai Scientific Assistant Job For MSc, MTech & BTech. MSc, MTech and BTech Biotechnology, Life Sciences, and Biochemistry can attend a walk-interview for a senior research fellow job.

Syngene Biotechnology Job For Candidates With 1-3 Years Exp, Apply Online

Syngene Biotechnology Job For Candidates With 1-3 Years Exp, Apply Online. BTech Biotech Job in Syngene, Bangalore

WII Zoology, Biotech, Biological & Life Sciences Project Job Openings

WII Zoology, Biotech, Biological & Life Sciences Project Job Openings. MSc Jobs. MSc Zoology, Biotechnology and Life Sciences job openings.

Stem Cells & Applied Regenerative Biology Global Certification Course

This program has been designed to provide professionals in the field of stem cells and regenerative biology with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance their careers and contribute to the growth of this rapidly developing field.

qPCR and Data Analysis Premium Certification Course

Our course is led by experienced industry professionals who have extensive experience in qPCR and data analysis. They will guide you through the entire process, from sample preparation and qPCR setup, to data analysis and interpretation.

Single Cell Technology Certification Course

In this self-learning course learn more about the latest Isolation techniques, application of single-cell technology in various research fields, and the future of Single Cell Technology.

Biotech Career Launchpad Course: Learn Resume Drafting, SOP & Research Proposal Writing, R&D Techniques

The Biotech Career Launchpad is a comprehensive self-learning course that is designed to help freshers and job seekers in the biotech industry gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the field.



