Bioscience Today - Issue 33
Bioscience Today - Issue 33 is out now and available to read online here.
In the latest issue of our publication, we explore groundbreaking and emerging news across Research & Development (R&D), Diagnostics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Clinical Research, and more feature areas.
Read some of the top features from Issue 33 below:
The promise of immuno-oncology: An R&D perspective
Dr Robin Knight, CEO and co-founder, IN-PART, discusses emerging cancer immunotherapies.
Breakthroughs in Diagnostics: Genome Sequencing for proactive paediatric screening
Dr Madhuri Hegde, FACMG – SVP and Chief Scientific Officer, Revvity, Inc., explores breakthroughs in diagnostics.
AI codebreakers: Dr Doolittle 2.0
Experts believe that decoding the communication systems of whales, crows, bats, and many other animals is within reach, following breath-taking advances in artificial intelligence research.
Breaking new ground in antibiotic research with neutrons
Dr Luke Clifton, Instrument Scientist at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, explains how neutrons have emerged as a highly effective tool in the fight against AMR.