Biopatrika Biweekly Newsletter | #7 | Aug 19
Biopatrika Biweekly Newsletter | #7 | Aug 19

Biopatrika Biweekly Newsletter | #7 | Aug 19

Biopatrika Biweekly Newsletter #7


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Featurning new partner: E-Spin Nanotech Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Sandip Patil

Featured Partner: Espin nanotech
Featured Partner: Espin nanotech

Author Interview:


  1. Unlocking GPCR Secrets: CXCR4-CXCR7 Bias Revealed Arun Shukla Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
  2. Save the Date: Join Us for Sci-ROI’s upcoming In-Person Annual Event! Sci ROI
  3. Unveiling the Ultimate Postdoc Funding Database: Your Path to Global Research Success! ???? #PostdocFunding

Pharma/Biopharma Corner:

  1. Zurzuvae: A Breakthrough in Postpartum Depression Treatment and Accessibility
  2. Revolutionizing Therapies: BlueRock Therapeutics and Join Forces for Advanced Cell Programming
  3. Vanflyta's Victory: A New Dawn for AML Patients with Quizartinib Approval
  4. SZM008: Illuminating a New Era in Cancer Treatment with FDA Approval | Zumutor Biologics Kavitha Iyer Rodrigues

Upcoming Course

Level Up Your Grant Writing Skills: Enroll in the Propongo! Grant Writing Course with Dr. Thomas G. Sors and Secure Your Research Funding

Latest Video

From PhD Pioneers to Career Conquerors: The Incredible Singh Sisters' | PhD Talk Show

Postdoc Funding Opportunities:

Postdoc Funding Opportunities
Postdoc Funding Opportunities

PhD Talk Show: In this show by Biopatrika discuss the life and work of PhD's in academia and industry.

Bharat Startup Talks: Biopatrika's Bharat Startup Talks aims to bring you the stories behind the new age startups from India that are leading the Startup India wagon.

Internships and careers: In this series, we will be talking with professionals who have gained valuable experience and knowledge from internships and have been able to make informed decisions about their careers, including pursuing a PhD or finding the right job.

Biopatrika YouTube Channel | SciKonnect Podcast

Career Opportunities:

Join Biopatrika Career Hub

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