Biomimetic coatings, sustainable cities and XPS sample preparation

Biomimetic coatings, sustainable cities and XPS sample preparation

In partnership with Elsevier.

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Hello all,

Welcome back from your holidays. Hope you all had a rejuvenating break. Sometimes we just need some time away from the problem we're tackling, even if it's just a long weekend. The recent bank holiday here in the UK was exactly that. It was great to get on with the project that was giving me trouble but with added perspective and fresh energy. Summer drawing to an end for this year but that just means our regular webinars are returning. Hope to see you there on 29th September.

Research highlights: Highly cited

So many advances have been made due to biomimetics from optical materials to surface structures adapted for increased or decreased wettability. Nanoparticles see use in a broad range of applications such as catalysts, sensors, and coatings. Liu et al.'s "One-Step Assembly of a Biomimetic Biopolymer Coating for Particle Surface Engineering" is a fascinating merging of these fields.

Sustainability Resources: TED Talk

Hitting our common engineering goals of increased efficiency or decreased emissions are, of course, noble goals but recycling and reuse of items shouldn't be neglected. In this TED Talk, circular economy builder Garry Cooper presents a compelling vision of sustainable cities embracing the repurposing of materials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and foster economic growth.

Interesting Infographics

The world's population has boomed in the last century with, now, over 4.3 billion people living in urban settings (55% of the world's population). There are different ways to define city boundaries making for some interesting statistics. This infographic from the Visual Capitalist explores the largest cities ranked by population.

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From our Partner

Published in May of this year, Principles of Engineering Tribology: Fundamentals and Applications by Ahmed Abdelbary and Li Chang introduces readers to the core theories and fundamentals of the field, basic terminology and concepts, and advanced topics such as tribological properties of engineered surfaces, roughness measurements and the mechanics of surface contact.

Fundamentals of friction and wear of metallic and non-metallic materials are discussed alongside lubrication media. Methodologies for conducting friction, wear, and lubrication laboratory testing and modelling for tribosystems are reviewed. Case studies and applications are featured with particular emphasis on analyzing the failure modes of tribosystems.

This book is recommended for academic researchers in tribology, materials science, mechanical engineering and professional engineers and is also suitable for undergraduate and graduate students.

The latest and upcoming from Surface Ventures

Our webinars are free to attend. Forever.

Notable and quotable

It is better to fail in originality, than to succeed in imitation. He who has never failed somewhere, that man can not be great. Failure is the true test of greatness.”?– Herman Melville

What we’re reading

Surface-sensitive spectroscopy methods such as XPS are extremely dependent on sample preparation and mounting. "Sample handling, preparation and mounting for XPS and other surface analytical techniques" by Stevie et al. conveys the many tricks of the trade employed by experienced analysts for a wide range of samples.

An app a day

I love experimenting with different writing tools. In particular, writing in Markdown as it strikes a balance of few distractions while still having enough formatting to get my ideas out. Zettlr offers a wealth of features with Zotero integration, project support, and theming while remaining fast and responsive.

The lighter side of the internet

Another year, another appearance of the Perseids, and another pronunciation?

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From xkcd.

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Curated By Dr Samuel McMaster

Event Manager – Surface Ventures


