Biogas Feedstock from Within: an Interview with Ethanol Producer Magazine
Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH
Engineering and construction of biogas plants - independent, innovative, tailor-made solutions.
Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH “[…] is able to help ethanol plants utilize their thin stillage for on-site energy and lower carbon intensity scores [with biogas plants]”, Katie Schroeder summarizes her interview with Raphael Thies.
Thematically, the interview in Ethanol Producer Magazine offers a holistic look at the anatomy of a biogas plant. First, however, the focus is on the digestion of thin stillage: read how the General Manager explains the first steps of Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH, the planning, and construction based on our first bioethanol plant Rio Cuarto, Argentina. What technical challenges had to be solved? What are the special features of this feedstock? What are the opportunities of digesting co-products? What advantages does this bring for energy self-sufficiency and long-term assurance.
?‘I don’t know what is going on in five years or ten years, what I know for sure is that right now we can grow corn.’ The corn will survive.” recalls Raphael Thies in the interview about a conversation with a plant operator from the United States.
The industry is adaptable and dynamic: because every biogas and every bioethanol plant is different. Numerous parameters change with each feedstock, such as the size of the digester or the temperature inside. However, with over 40 years of experience in biogas technology, the variance of profitable feedstocks is constantly expanding, as impressively demonstrated by the Rio Cuarto bioethanol plant we were the first to design using thin stillage as feedstock.
Interviewer Katie Schroeder is a staff writer for Ethanol Producer Magazine. This is a globally read trade journal that brings ethanol insights, commentary, technology, research, policy, and markets to readers.