Bioengineering Channel First Quarter Summary (Part of the content in English)
José Manuel Baena, Ph.D.
??President REGEMAT3D | ??BioEngineer |???? Biofabrication and cell culture Lab director | I answer you on twitter @josbaema |?? #Longevity and HLE s-cap co-investor
Resumen del primer trimestre del Canal de Bioingeniería Instagram @bioingenieriaonline
??Qué es la BIOINGENIERíA y qué hace un BIOINGENIERO
IMPRESIóN 3D en salud ???????
?Qué es la Bioimpresión 3D?
My experience as a bioengineer and biotech entrepreneur ( in English)
Equipos FUNDAMENTALES para un laboratorio de BIO FABRICACIóN y cultivo celular
5 Claves del éxito para montar una Empresa Tecnológica
My participation in the Technology Saturday session 026 - 3D printing for humans and machines by Stefan Plotz ( in English)
Please share! the more people involved the more things we will achieve!! #Bioingenieria #bioengineering #bioprinting #stemcells #biofabrication #biorreactores #bioinks #3dcellculture
source of the graphic:
We assist companies to go global, find relevant business partners & manage new global business opportunities.
3 年Hi?José, It's very interesting! I will be happy to connect.