Is Drinking Wine really Sustainable?

Is Drinking Wine really Sustainable?

The evolution of organic wine

More and more winemakers are switching to organic: the surface area of French vineyards under organic farming has tripled in the space of 10 years.

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But is this enough to make an impact on the environment?

Organic wine meets strict specifications aimed at respecting the environment. Sometimes not reachable for winemakers as some of them don't have the same resources to do so. 

The transition to organic farming is not easy. Indeed, some regions are more or less predisposed to this kind of agriculture. For example, the transition to organic farming is very costly, and can be dangerous for winegrowers in Bordeaux, because the climate is very rainy, favoring the risk of mildew: the absence of chemical treatment can lead to the total loss of the harvest. In addition, organic farming requires on average 50% more labor, especially because it is forbidden to harvest mechanically during the harvest season.

The conversion to organic takes 3 years, so it is a long process and has a high organizational cost.

So many rules must be taken into consideration that a lot of winemakers are not willing to pursue this way, not because a of lack of consciousness but a lack of resources.

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Another way to preserve the environment?

Biodynamic is the way!

Biodynamic is the world’s oldest system of organic growing. An inspirational global movement that promotes a uniquely holistic approach to organic agriculture, gardening, food and health. Today, biodynamic farming is one of the most sustainable and regenerative forms of agriculture in the world.

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Less restrictive than organic certifications, making biodynamic wines is a great alternative to organic wines. More winemakers can afford this type of agriculture, using a lot of natural elements to make wine.

A wine that’s organic is not necessarily biodynamic, even if a wine that is biodynamic is often organic.

Biodynamics differs from organic agriculture by the use of specific preparations for the soil, the plants and the compost, by taking into account the notion of the farm which is assimilated as a living and whole organism. It also takes into account the influence of the rhythms of the moon. The goal of these practices is to create a link between the soil, the plants and the animal world in order to restore the unity of the ecosystems by stimulating exchanges between the different levels.

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Why make biodynamic wine?

The main reason to do biodynamic cultivation is the search for the identity of the terroir and greater coherence with environmental values. Winemakers want to work the terroir as naturally, healthily and respectfully as possible. It is also a search for excellence by improving the quality of the wines. Strengthening the vine will obviously have an effect on the wine they produce. Biodynamic wine is becoming more and more popular today.

It is a wine that can fully express the qualities and the typicity of its terroir.

There are different labels for biodynamic wines, the most well-known being Demeter. This label guarantees to the consumers that biodynamic grapes and wines are certified following transparent specifications.

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Annual controls are carried out on the vineyards to ensure the good respect of the biodynamic methods. The labeling of the bottles is also monitored to ensure the accuracy of the information given to consumers.

Green Luxury at Wine Paths

At Wine Paths, we are really aware of the climate change problems. That's why we have decided to work with more and more sustainable wineries and distilleries across the globe, that work in Biodynamic or Organic farming.

You can find our selection here and enjoy wine/spirit tasting without feeling guilty about the planet. 

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