BioCommons quarterly digest
Australian BioCommons
Enhancing Australia's digital life science research through world class collaborative distributed infrastructure
Welcome to our quarterly digest of Australian BioCommons news, project updates and opportunities. This is a summary of the last three monthly newsletters, which you can subscribe to receive straight to your email inbox.
Top stories from April, May and June
Phylogenetics collaboration takes researchers back to basics with new training
A new online tutorial is helping researchers uncover the principles of phylogenetics and how tree-building methods work, thanks to a longstanding collaboration between Prof Michael Charleston ( 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学 ) and BioCommons.
Conservation managers welcome readymade bioinformatics workflows that support decision making
Conservation decisions are benefiting from the use of genetic information thanks to a new set of bioinformatics workflows that assemble and annotate reference genomes for threatened vertebrate species. Bioplatforms Australia 's Threatened Species Initiative has worked intensively with Australian BioCommons to overcome the barriers that limit the uptake of genetic data into conservation management programs.
Introducing the Australian Tree of Life Informatics Capability
Australian BioCommons is working closely with Bioplatforms Australia on the Australian Tree of Life Informatics Capability. It will establish a new digital framework to bridge the gap between the generation of genomics data and its application in on-the-ground actions. This program will equip researchers and decision-makers with the tools to leverage cutting-edge genomics technologies, enabling them to more effectively manage and safeguard Australia’s precious biodiversity and agricultural resources.
Watch our popular webinar on AI tools
In a packed webinar, Michael Kuiper from CSIRO's Data61 delivered a practical guide to AI tools for life scientists. He discusses some of the available and emerging AI tools and how we might effectively leverage them while acknowledging their limitations.
New faces
Please join us in welcoming Conrad Leonard as Technical Lead in our Human Genome Informatics team!
Looking to join our team?
A Training and Communications Officer position is available in our BioCloud team. You will create new opportunities for training in the use of data analysis and digital platforms for life sciences, in research areas like threatened species research and paediatric cancer. Plus, you will establish nation-wide collaborative relationships, coordinate training opportunities, and optimise communications for increased outreach.
Other news you may have missed
You can read all the news on our website at any time.
Watch the latest webinar recordings
Join Thomas Payne to learn about MetaboLights, an open-access database for metabolomics studies, their raw experimental data and associated metadata. MetaboLights is the recommended metabolomics repository for a number of leading journals and ELIXIR , the European infrastructure for life science information.
Discover MAVEs, multiplexed assays of variant effects, with Alan Rubin from WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) and how the international community database MaveDB enables discovery and reuse of data from these experiments.
Stay in touch
Looking to get involved in bioinformatics training? Read The Runsheet for the latest news, inspiration and opportunities in the National Bioinformatics Training Cooperative and beyond.
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Australian BioCommons is supported by Bioplatforms Australia who are enabled by NCRIS.