BioCommons quarterly digest
Australian BioCommons
Enhancing Australia's digital life science research through world class collaborative distributed infrastructure
Welcome to our quarterly digest of Australian BioCommons news, project updates and opportunities. This is a summary of the last three monthly newsletters, which you can subscribe to receive straight to your email inbox.
Top stories from January, February and March
Creative collisions: Bio Day a hit at Supercomputing Asia 2024
February saw many of the BioCommons team attend Supercomputing Asia 2024 for ‘Bio Day’, a day dedicated to the intersection of biology and computing. Bioplatforms Australia 's generous platinum sponsorship of the event enabled almost 40 life scientists to attend and partake in productive discussions about the future of life sciences and high-performance computing, including Prof Alex Brown 's keynote presentation (pictured).
Streamlining metagenomics and single cell transcriptomics data processing with new workflows
Discover three new resources on the fully subsided Galaxy Australia service that anyone can use to transform raw metagenomics and single cell transcriptomics data into an analysis-ready state. These workflows were written by QCIF bioinformaticians Dr Sarah Williams, Dr Valentine Murigneux and Dr Ahmed Mehdi.
Microbial insights into respiratory disease enabled by national training
Training led by Ashley M. Dungan from University of Melbourne on the next-generation microbiome bioinformatics platform, QIIME 2, has helped to progress research on infectious respiratory diseases. This research was led by Erin Price and Derek Sarovich at the University of the Sunshine Coast and Sunshine Coast Health Institute.
Human Genomes Platform Project delivers collaborative vision for a national human omics research data ecosystem
Discover the vision to enhance Australian capabilities for secure and responsible sharing of human omics research data. This project was funded by NCRIS via the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and Bioplatforms Australia . Thanks also to contributing partners Australian Access Federation Ltd (AAF) , Garvan Institute of Medical Research , National Computational Infrastructure , QIMR Berghofer , 澳大利亚墨尔本大学 Centre for Cancer Research, Children's Cancer Institute , and ZERO Childhood Cancer.
New faces
Please join us in welcoming two new faces to the BioCommons team! Joshua Harris, PhD joined the team as Research Data Manager in the Human Genome Informatics team, while Kylie Davies is our Business Analyst for the GUARDIANS program.
Looking to join our team?
A Technical Lead role is available in our Human Genome Informatics team. Lead the development and implementation of digital infrastructure supporting human genomics research nationally, and collaborate closely with experts across multiple areas, including medical research, digital infrastructure and data analytics.
A Project Manager role is available in our BioCloud team. Deliver strategic initiatives, collaborate with diverse partner organisations, and oversee project timelines, budgets, and resources across a range of BioCloud projects.
Other news you may have missed
You can read all the news on our website at any time.
Catch our latest webinar recordings on YouTube
Learn about mixOmics, a popular tool for integration of multi-omics datasets and how it is being used in a variety of studies.
Hear from life science community members across Australia who are using ABLeS, understand the program, and find out how your life science group can get involved.
Stay in touch
Looking to get involved in bioinformatics training? Read The Runsheet for the latest news, inspiration and opportunities in the National Bioinformatics Training Cooperative and beyond.
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Australian BioCommons is supported by Bioplatforms Australia who are enabled by NCRIS.