Bio-Remediation in Active Roadway
This week Gregg's Northern California Remediation team is continuing injections at a site in the Bay Area. Brandon Moses is the lead operator with Vince Pokrywka as the lead driller and Mark Cramer as the driller's assistant.
With support from Adler Tank, we are mixing city hydrant water with Newman Zone OS in order to create anoxic water. The entire volume of injected solution is being treated prior to injection.
RNAS is supplying the Newman Zone 55 blend of vegetable oil as well as Neutral Zone and sodium bicarbonate buffer. Gregg is able to effectively stage and move the material around on our support truck for quick and easy set-up and breakdown in the street. Every night, the street needs to be made back to 100% undisturbed, so the mobile set-up has been key.
Bill Newman sent us his new DHC measurement cylinder with easy to use purge, fill, and injection ports. The field crew said this made injection of the SDC-9 even easier. This is helpful especially considering how valuable every minute is given the site restrictions.
Gregg Drilling can help to deal with nearly any site constraint when planning a remediation project, please contact me if you need any assistance on your next project. [email protected]