Bing Ads vs Adwords (PPC)

Bing Ads vs Adwords (PPC)

When strategizing a new digital marketing campaign, it is essential to address all potential avenues and channels that you can use. Paid search is a standard tool used by digital marketers, which puts their website higher on the search link to consumers who have searched one of the included keywords. Google is the most used business when it comes to this practice, which many used exclusively. This can be due to multiple reasons such as Google being the most used search engine by consumers, the marketer being most comfortable with google analytics, or having a history of success using the service. While these are all valid reasons to use Google paid search, a good digital marketer will always improve their method and increase engagement.

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Bings Ads Accreditation Study Guide goes in-depth on how Bing paid search works, and how incorporating into your digital marketing campaign can be worthwhile. There are 167 million unique bing users worldwide who, on average, spend 26% more time online than your average internet searcher. Bing ads offer precise and flexible targeting features such as keywords, location, language, scheduling, device type, day/week, demographics, and shopping.

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Instapage has a great blog explaining how Google ads and Bing ads differ outing line the pros and cons of each. Many people don't know that due to Bing being owned by Microsoft, who also owns Yahoo and AOL, ads placed using Bings services reach all 3 of those platforms. Bing also has an older and more educated audience, with 40% of users being between the ages of 35-54, and nearly three quarters being over 35. Larger household income, with over 1/2 of its users having a household income of $75,000 or more. Bing also has much less PPC (pay per click) over google Ads because advertisings have a lot less competition causing the bidding not to go as high. According to ReportGarden, the average cost-per-click on Bing Ads can be 70% lower than AdsWords. Incorporating your campaign from Ads works to Bing can also be done without re-doing your whole campaign. Bing offers advertisers to import their existing Google AdWords into Bing Ads. This makes it so anyone can easily transition some or their campaign to Bing without the hassle of creating two campaigns

For western's MBA program, I used Google AdsWords: The Beginners' Guide to outline a theoretical digital marketing campaign using PPC.

First, we would want to get an understanding of the level of consumer demand we wish for the campaign. This can be assisted by defining clear business objectives and goals. Then we would want to survey our current students enrolled to get useful information that relates to the plans. We would like to also communicate with the enrollment offices are Western to understand their needs. Part of the research process is also researching the competition, so we would want to look at schools such a UW and Washington State to see what they're doing successfully for Western's case. This research leads to creating a list of precise keywords you want to use that can help target potential students more efficiently. There are three ways you can use keywords on Broad google match, Phrase Match, and Exact match. You can then include negatives. Negatives are words that, when combined with highlighted keywords, stop google ads displaying your website. In Westerns, case a negative word could be "worst," so when people search for worst MBA programs, Westerns ad doesn't pop up.


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Now we have done the research; it's time to make the hard copy. The correct setup is crucial, and the right ad copy can significantly improve the click-through rate. Western would want to create a two catchy 30 character headline fields. The first one, which is the one that people will see on mobile and desktop, is the most important. For Western, it could be, "Westerns MBA program apply now" with the second one, that only some will see depending on screen size, "Best value MBA in the NW." followed by an 80 character field that everyone will also see. Western could do, "How Western graduates pay off their student loans faster, through our government-funded school."

When Western sets up their bids through Adworks, they will not know how much their competitors are bidding and what you bid isn't always what you pay. If you bid more than the 2nd place bid, google puts your Ads above theirs for only $0.01 more, even if you bid more. So Western needs to know how much they want to spend and whom they want to reach.

Once Western has run its campaign, it's crucial to review then optimize the campaign for future use. This would be accomplished by using states such as CTR, CVR, CPC, CPA, to know how much they spend per acquisition and how successful the campaign was as a whole


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