Binding UN resolutions, next-generation fighter jets, and the Three Principles on Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference?
Resolution 2728 of the Security Council unequivocally demands an immediate ceasefire, expansion of the flow of humanitarian assistance to Gaza and lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale. This is in line with the right direction of Security Council actions and responds to the extensive aspiration of the international community. China welcomes the resolution.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)
Today’s quote:
China firmly opposes and combats all kinds of cyberattacks, and is committed to working with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with the threats of cybersecurity through channels such as bilateral dialogue or judicial assistance. The Chinese side has made technical clarifications and responses to the so-called “APT31”-related information submitted by the British side, and made it clear that the evidence provided by the British side was inadequate and relevant conclusions lack professionalism. But unfortunately, there has been no further response from the British side. For some time, driven by its own geopolitical agenda, the US has encouraged “Five Eyes Alliance”, the world’s largest intelligence organization led by the US itself, to compile and spread all kinds of disinformation about the threats posed by the so-called “Chinese hackers”. Now along with the UK, the US is hyping up the so-called “Chinese cyberattacks” and even launching groundless unilateral sanctions against China. China firmly opposes this, we have made strong démarches to the US and relevant parties and will take necessary measures to safeguard our lawful rights and interests. China’s relevant cybersecurity institutions have released a series of reports on the US government’s cyberattacks on China and other countries. Yet the US government has been silent about them. We urge the US to adopt a responsible approach in cyberspace and stop framing the innocent.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 据报道,3月25日,美国、英国政府指责并起诉制裁同中国政府有关联的黑客组织“APT31”对其进行恶意网络攻击,称严重危害其民主机构和选举系统,澳大利亚、新西兰予以呼应,新西兰并称与中国政府有关的黑客组织“APT40”对其议会系统发动网络攻击。?
It’s reported that on March 25 [2024], governments of the US and the UK accused, filed charges and sanctioned the hacking group “APT31” linked to the Chinese government for malicious cyberattacks, claiming that it has gravely undermined their democratic institutions and electoral systems. Australia and New Zealand echoed their claims, and New Zealand said another hacking group “APT40” linked to the Chinese government had launched cyberattacks against their parliamentary system.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)
Today’s quote:
The Japanese government decided to lift the ban on the export of next-generation fighter jets set to be jointly developed with Britain and Italy at a Cabinet meeting and revised the implementation guidelines of Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology at the national security conference. Some say that the revision of the implementation guidelines removes the bottleneck of Japan’s ban on destruction weapons exports that was implemented for over 70 years after the end of World War II. It also facilitates Japan’s future direct exports of warships, submarines and other advanced military equipment to a third country.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 据报道,日本政府12月22日审议通过了新版“防卫装备转移三原则”和运用指针,进一步放宽防卫装备出口限制。报道称,这是2014年以来,日政府时隔近10年对防务装备出口制度进行修改。?
It is reported that on December 22, the Japanese government adopted the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology and its implementation guidelines, further easing restrictions on arms export. The reports said that it was the first time for the Japanese government to revise its export regulation on defense equipment in ten years since 2014.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on December 28, 2023)?
?? 据报道,日本政府22日审议通过了新版《防卫装备转移三原则》和运用指针,决定向美国提供在日生产的“爱国者”防空导弹。这是2014年日本内阁决议通过《防卫装备转移三原则》后,首次允许出口杀伤性武器。?
It is reported that the Japanese government adopted the updated Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology and its implementation guidelines (herein referred to as “Three Principles”) on December 22 with a decision to provide its home-made Patriot air defence missiles to the United States. It is the first time that Japan has allowed the export of destruction weapons since its Cabinet’s adoption of the Three Principles in 2014.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 25, 2023)
I too have noted that during this year’s Forum [China Development Forum 中国发展高层论坛 zhōng guó fā zhǎn gāo céng lùn tán] quite a few leaders of international organizations and from the global business community spoke favorably of China’s economic prospects. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said that zooming in on China, they saw a new era of high-quality growth, and that China will continue to be a key contributor to global economic growth.” President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa said China’s solid growth has been a primary contributor to growth in Asia and the Pacific, and that looking ahead for China, they see a stable growth trajectory in 2024. Some Fortune 500 executives had highly packed schedules in China in addition to attending the Forum. Many said that China is the world’s manufacturing hub, the second largest consumer market, and one of the most innovative frontier markets. They have full confidence in China’s economic prospects, and are ready to continue to invest in China.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)
Today’s quote:
China firmly opposes and combats all kinds of cyberattacks, and is committed to working with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with the threats of cybersecurity through channels such as bilateral dialogue or judicial assistance.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 国家深化拓展对外执法合作工作机制,完善司法协助体制机制,推进执法、司法领域国际合作。?
The State strengthens and expands its working mechanisms for international cooperation in law enforcement, improves its systems and mechanisms for judicial assistance, and promotes international cooperation in law enforcement and judicial fields.? (Law on Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China_中华人民共和国对外关系法_2023_06_28)?
?? 各国如因打击犯罪等执法需要跨境调取数据,应通过司法协助渠道或其他相关多双边协议解决。
Should States need to obtain overseas data out of law enforcement requirement such as combating crimes, they should do it through judicial assistance or other relevant multilateral and bilateral agreements.? (Global Initiative on Data Security_全球数据安全倡议_2020_09_08)?
?? 中国愿同各国一道,加强对话交流,有效管控分歧,推动制定各方普遍接受的网络空间国际规则,制定网络空间国际反恐公约,健全打击网络犯罪司法协助机制,共同维护网络空间和平安全。?
China will work with all other countries to step up dialogue and exchange, and effectively manage differences. We should push for the formulation of international cyberspace rules accepted by all parties as well as an international convention against terrorism in cyberspace, improve the legal assistance mechanism to fight cyber crimes and jointly uphold peace and security in cyberspace.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 2nd World Internet Conference_在第二届世界互联网大会开幕式上的讲话_2015_12_31)
Today’s quote:
China firmly opposes and combats all kinds of cyberattacks, and is committed to working with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with the threats of cybersecurity through channels such as bilateral dialogue or judicial assistance. The Chinese side has made technical clarifications and responses to the so-called “APT31”-related information submitted by the British side, and made it clear that the evidence provided by the British side was inadequate and relevant conclusions lack professionalism. But unfortunately, there has been no further response from the British side. For some time, driven by its own geopolitical agenda, the US has encouraged “Five Eyes Alliance”, the world’s largest intelligence organization led by the US itself, to compile and spread all kinds of disinformation about the threats posed by the so-called “Chinese hackers”. Now along with the UK, the US is hyping up the so-called “Chinese cyberattacks” and even launching groundless unilateral sanctions against China. China firmly opposes this, we have made strong démarches to the US and relevant parties and will take necessary measures to safeguard our lawful rights and interests. China’s relevant cybersecurity institutions have released a series of reports on the US government’s cyberattacks on China and other countries. Yet the US government has been silent about them. We urge the US to adopt a responsible approach in cyberspace and stop framing the innocent.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 据加拿大《环球邮报》报道,涉嫌在中国从事间谍活动的迈克尔称其在不知情的情况下,向康明凯分享涉朝鲜敏感信息,康随后将相关信息提供给加政府及其他“五眼联盟”国家,此举导致二人被中方逮捕。?
According to reports by Canada’s The Globe and Mail, Michael Spavor, who is suspected of engaging in espionage activities in China, said he provided Michael Kovrig with sensitive information about the DPRK, which was later passed on to the Canadian government and its Five Eyes spy-service partners unbeknownst to Michael Spavor. This led to the arrests of the two persons in China.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 29, 2023)?
?? 我们还注意到,美国家安全局等政府机构以及英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等国相关机构也同时发布了类似报告,很明显这是美国出于地缘政治目的发动“五眼联盟”国家采取的集体虚假信息行动。众所周知,“五眼联盟”是世界上最大的情报组织。美国家安全局是世界上最大的“黑客组织”。?
We also noted that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and the cybersecurity agencies of the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, almost simultaneously issued similar reports. Apparently, this has been a collective disinformation campaign launched by the U.S. through the Five Eyes to serve its geopolitical agenda. It’s widely known that the Five Eyes is the world’s biggest intelligence association and the NSA the world’s biggest hacking group.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 25, 2023)?
?? 美国借助盟友体系拉帮结派。在亚太地区强推“印太战略”,纠集“五眼联盟”“四边机制”“美英澳三边安全伙伴关系”,大搞封闭排他的小圈子,强迫地区国家选边站队,实质是制造地区分裂、煽动对抗、破坏和平。?
The United States is piecing together small blocs through its alliance system. It has been forcing an "Indo-Pacific Strategy" onto the Asia-Pacific region, assembling exclusive clubs like the Five Eyes, the Quad and AUKUS, and forcing regional countries to take sides. Such practices are essentially meant to create division in the region, stoke confrontation and undermine peace.? (US Hegemony and Its Perils_美国的霸权霸道霸凌及其危害_2023_02_20)?
?? 这次报告曝光的内容表明,除了中国及亚非拉的主要发展中国家,美国连自己的盟友和伙伴也没有放过。美方网络攻击的范围甚至包括其欧洲盟友、“印太四国”和“五眼联盟”的成员。?
The revelations from this report show that besides China and other major developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the US doesn’t even spare its allies and partners, and its cyber attacks even cover its European allies, and its fellow members of the Quad and the Five Eyes.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 24, 2022)
The Japanese government decided to lift the ban on the export of next-generation fighter jets set to be jointly developed with Britain and Italy at a Cabinet meeting and revised the implementation guidelines of Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology at the national security conference.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)
相互尊重、平等互利? [xiāng hù zūn zhòng, píng děng hù lì]? mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit:?
China firmly opposes and combats all kinds of cyberattacks, and is committed to working with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with the threats of cybersecurity through channels such as bilateral dialogue or judicial assistance.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)
Today’s quote:
China highly values its relations with Honduras. We will work with Honduras to implement the important common understandings between the two Presidents, further consolidate political mutual trust on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and common development, and deepen cooperation and exchanges in various areas. We believe that with the concerted efforts of both sides, the tree of China-Honduras friendship will grow tall and bear more fruits.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 多米尼克是加勒比地区重要国家,也是中方在该地区的好朋友、好伙伴。建交20年来,中多关系稳步发展,成为大小国家相互尊重、平等互利、共同发展、合作共赢的典范。?
Dominica is an important nation in the Caribbean region and is also China’s good friend and good partner in this region. Over the past two decades since our two countries established diplomatic ties, the relationship between China and Dominica has enjoyed steady growth and become a fine example of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefits, common development and win-win cooperation between countries of different sizes.? (Foreign Ministry? Regular Press Conference on March 20, 2024)?
?? 卡斯特罗总统对中国的首次国事访问取得圆满成功,收获丰硕成果,开启了中洪关系新的历史篇章。这是一次书写历史之旅、增进互信之旅、拓展合作之旅。中洪两国元首举行了首次会晤,共同为中洪关系发展擘画了蓝图,指明了方向。习近平主席表示,中方将坚定不移发展中洪友好关系,坚定支持洪都拉斯经济社会发展,愿同洪都拉斯做相互尊重、平等互利、共同发展的好朋友、好伙伴。卡斯特罗总统表示,洪方坚定支持并遵守一个中国原则,洪中建交两个多月来两国关系的快速发展使洪人民对洪中关系未来充满信心。?
President Castro’s first state visit to China has been a full success with fruitful outcomes. It is a visit that has opened up a new chapter for China-Honduras relations. This is a history-making visit that boosted trust and expanded cooperation. The two presidents met for the first time and jointly charted the course for bilateral relations. President Xi Jinping noted that China will stay firmly committed to growing friendly relations with Honduras, staunchly support Honduras’s economic and social development, and seek to be good friends and partners of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and common development with Honduras. President Castro noted that Honduras firmly supports and adheres to the one-China principle and that the rapid growth of bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties a little more than two months ago has given the Honduran people full confidence in the future of the relationship.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 14, 2023)?
?? 首先我要告诉大家的一点是,中国和南太岛国同处亚太地区,同为发展中国家,是相互尊重、平等互利、共同发展的好朋友、好伙伴。?
First, I would like to stress that as developing countries in the Asia-Pacific, China and South Pacific Island countries are good friends and good partners pursuing common development on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 25, 2022)?
?? 中加开启外交关系50年来,特别是2013年习近平主席同加勒比建交国领导人会晤以来,中加全面合作伙伴关系持续深化,各领域合作成果丰硕,树立了相互尊重、平等互利、共同发展的典范。?
Since the beginning of diplomatic relations between the two sides 50 years ago, especially President Xi Jinping’s meeting with leaders of Caribbean countries having diplomatic ties with China in 2013, our comprehensive cooperative partnership has kept deepening and cooperation in various sectors has yielded fruitful outcomes, setting an exemplary model of countries pursuing common development on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 28, 2022)
Today’s quote:
Security Council resolutions are binding. We call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations Charter and to take due action as required by the resolution.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 巴以冲突升级以来,中方积极主张安理会尽快就巴以局势采取有意义的行动,作出有约束力的决定。?
Since the escalation of the tensions between Palestine and Israel, China has actively advocated that the Security Council should take meaningful actions and make binding decisions as soon as possible.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 26, 2023)
Today’s quote:
I too have noted that during this year’s Forum [China Development Forum 中国发展高层论坛 zhōng guó fā zhǎn gāo céng lùn tán] quite a few leaders of international organizations and from the global business community spoke favorably of China’s economic prospects. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said that zooming in on China, they saw a new era of high-quality growth, and that China will continue to be a key contributor to global economic growth.” President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa said China’s solid growth has been a primary contributor to growth in Asia and the Pacific, and that looking ahead for China, they see a stable growth trajectory in 2024. Some Fortune 500 executives had highly packed schedules in China in addition to attending the Forum. Many said that China is the world’s manufacturing hub, the second largest consumer market, and one of the most innovative frontier markets. They have full confidence in China’s economic prospects, and are ready to continue to invest in China. Their confidence stems from the steady and sustained growth of China’s economy and high-quality development. It’s also backed by China’s super-sized market, complete industrial system, high-caliber labor force, and world-class, market-oriented business environment governed by a sound legal framework. Last year, China announced 24 measures to stabilize foreign investment and took the lead in aligning five free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port with high-standard international economic and trade rules on a pilot basis. The 2024 Report on the Work of the Government mentions that all market access restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing will be abolished, and market access restrictions in services sectors, such as telecommunications and healthcare, will be reduced. The State Council published the other day an action plan to steadily promote high-standard opening up and make greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. The government will do more to attract foreign investment through down-to-earth measures such as broadening market access and facilitating the flow of innovation factors. Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce show that in January and February this year, 7,160 foreign-invested companies were established in China, marking a year-on-year increase of 34.9 percent, which is a record high in the past five years. Partnering with China will bring more opportunities. To invest in China is to win the future. China is advancing Chinese modernization on all fronts and developing innovation-driven new quality productive forces at a faster pace. This will bring Chinese and foreign investors infinite market opportunities and broad development prospects. Companies from all countries are welcome to invest and flourish in China, and add new stories to the reservoir of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the rest of the world.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 3月24日至25日,中国发展高层论坛2024年年会在北京举行。李强总理出席年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲。世界银行行长彭安杰、国际货币基金组织总裁格奥尔基耶娃以及国内外专家学者、企业家、政府官员和国际组织代表约400人参加开幕式。本届年会释放出一系列强有力的积极信号:一是中国经济回升向好的态势持续巩固增强,新产业、新模式、新动能加快成长壮大,中国经济韧性强、潜力大、活力足,长期向好的基本面没有改变;二是中国政府始终做企业发展成长道路上的同行者、好伙伴,努力汇聚携手同行、发展共赢的强大合力;三是中国将以务实有效的行动推动高质量发展,着力扩大国内需求,加快构建现代化产业体系,持续推动绿色转型,为世界经济复苏和稳定发展注入更多确定性和正能量;四是中国将持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境,稳步推进制度型开放,不断以更高水平的开放链接世界。我想强调的是,无论国际风云如何变幻,中国始终在与世界的互联互动中发展,又不断以自身新发展为世界提供新机遇。中国将始终坚持对外开放的基本国策,坚定奉行互利共赢的开放战略。我们欢迎各国工商界朋友们继续投资中国、深耕中国,同中国一道续写开放合作、互利共赢的新篇章。?
The China Development Forum 2024 was held in Beijing from March 24 to 25 [2024]. Premier Li Qiang attended the opening plenary and delivered a keynote speech. President of the World Bank Ajay Banga, Managing Director of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva, and about 400 guests, including Chinese and foreign scholars, entrepreneurs, government officials and representatives from international organizations, attended the opening plenary. This year’s Forum sent out several strong and positive messages. Number one, the momentum of China’s economic rebound continues to strengthen. New industries, new models and new driving forces are growing at a faster pace. The fundamentals of China’s long-term economic growth, namely strong resilience, vast potential and ample vitality, remain unchanged. Number two, the Chinese government has always been an advocate and a good companion on the development and growth path of enterprises, and worked to bring efforts together for shared success. Number three, China will take practical and effective actions to promote high-quality development, expand domestic demand, build a modern industrial structure at a faster pace, push forward green transformation and inject more certainty and positive energy into the recovery and stable development of the world economy. Number four, China will continue to foster a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized, steadily advance institutional opening up and link with the world at a higher level of openness. I would like to stress that no matter how the international landscape evolves, China will always seek development by engaging the world and staying connected, and keep generating new opportunities for the world through our development. Opening up will always remain our basic national policy and we will continue to follow the opening-up strategy of win-win cooperation. The global business community is more than welcome to keep investing in China and explore the Chinese market. We look forward to working with all friends from the business community to write a new chapter of open cooperation and mutual benefit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 25, 2024)?
?? 。。。 近日举办的中国发展高层论坛2023年年会很受关注。习近平主席向年会致贺信,充分体现了对论坛的高度重视。李强总理同出席年会的境外代表座谈。丁薛祥副总理出席年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲。中外嘉宾围绕“经济复苏:机遇与合作”的主题深入交流、增进共识、共谋发展。?
... the China Development Forum 2023 has been in the spotlight recently. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Forum, which underscores the importance he sees in the Forum. Premier Li Qiang met with representatives of overseas participants of the Forum. Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Chinese and foreign participants had deep-going discussions under the theme “Economic Recovery: Opportunities and Cooperation”, through which they have increased shared understanding and offered fresh insights into ways to achieve development.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 29, 2023)?
?? 中国发展高层论坛和博鳌亚洲论坛年会即将举行,今年天津夏季达沃斯论坛也将举办,据我了解,前来参会的各国企业家争先恐后。?
The China Development Forum and the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference will soon be held, and so will the Summer Davos in Tianjin. I have learned that many foreign business leaders have applied to participate.? (Foreign Minister Qin Gang Meets the Press_2023_03_07)
Today’s quote:
For some time, driven by its own geopolitical agenda, the US has encouraged “Five Eyes Alliance”, the world’s largest intelligence organization led by the US itself, to compile and spread all kinds of disinformation about the threats posed by the so-called “Chinese hackers”. Now along with the UK, the US is hyping up the so-called “Chinese cyberattacks” and even launching groundless unilateral sanctions against China. China firmly opposes this, we have made strong démarches to the US and relevant parties and will take necessary measures to safeguard our lawful rights and interests.?(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们谴责美国政府不负责任的行为。事实再次表明,美国政府一方面对中国进行无孔不入的网络窃密,给中国网络安全带来巨大风险,另一方面又不断制造和散布“中国黑客攻击论”的虚假信息,是典型、虚伪的政治操弄。?
We condemn the US government’s irresponsible acts. This is yet another piece of evidence that the US government has been conducting massive cyber espionage against China on the one hand, causing enormous risks for China’s cyber security, while propagating disinformation about so-called Chinese hacking attacks. This is typical hypocrisy and political manipulation.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 25, 2023)?
?? 我们注意到有报道称,美国白宫国家安全委员会的发言人称,美国官员发现中国黑客组织利用微软云计算漏洞入侵美国非机密电子邮箱账户,并提醒了微软公司。?
We noted the reports saying that the spokesman for the White House National Security Council claimed that US officials found hackers linked to China took advantage of a security weakness in Microsoft’s cloud-computing to break into unclassified email accounts of the US, and the US has notified Microsoft about this.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2023)?
?? 中方反对并依法打击各种形式的黑客攻击,不会对黑客攻击进行鼓励、支持或纵容。中方坚决反对比方在没有提出协查要求,更没有提供事实依据的情况下,单方面宣称所谓“中国黑客攻击”这种不负责任的做法。?
China opposes and fights all forms of hacking in accordance with the law. We do not encourage, support or connive at cyber attacks. We reject the Belgian side’s irresponsible assertion that “Chinese hacker groups” carried out the “malicious cyber activities” when it had neither put forward any request related to the issue nor presented any factual evidence.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 20, 2022)
Today’s quote:
For some time, driven by its own geopolitical agenda, the US has encouraged “Five Eyes Alliance”, the world’s largest intelligence organization led by the US itself, to compile and spread all kinds of disinformation about the threats posed by the so-called “Chinese hackers”. Now along with the UK, the US is hyping up the so-called “Chinese cyberattacks” and even launching groundless unilateral sanctions against China.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 时隔不到一年,“五眼联盟”再次上演抹黑中国闹剧的续集,仍然是粗制滥造的“伪劣产品”。 ... “五眼联盟”散布“中国网络攻击”虚假信息的闹剧下步怎么演,大家可以拭目以待。?
Less than a year later, we see another “the Five Eyes alliance” production of the “Smear China” franchise, same made-up plot about “Chinese cyber attack”, same shoddiness. ... Let’s stay tuned and see what else is in the alliance’ play script of spreading disinformation on “Chinese cyberattacks”.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 8, 2024)?
?? 我建议你向微软公司了解,他们发布的“中国网络攻击行为”报告是不是根据美国的官方信息作出的??
I’d like to refer you to Microsoft to check with them whether the report related to “Chinese cyber attacks” is based on US official information.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2023)?
?? 360公司此前曾经发布APT-C-39报告,上周北京奇安盘古实验室刚发布美对中国网络攻击报告,再到这次APT-C-40报告。这一系列报告表明,美对中国进行了大规模、长时间、系统性的网络攻击,严重危害中国关键基础设施安全、海量个人数据安全以及商业和技术秘密,严重影响了中美在网络空间的互信。相关报告显示,美国在网络空间没有遵守任何国际规则,也彻底抛弃了中美2015年达成的网络安全双边共识。?
From 360’s APT-C-39 report to Pangu Lab’s report on US cyberattacks against China released last week and this latest APT-C-40 report, they show that the US has conducted large-scale and systemic cyberattacks on China for a long time. Such activities have gravely endangered the security of China’s key infrastructure, plentiful personal data and commercial and technological secrets, and seriously undermined China-US mutual trust in cyberspace. The relevant reports reveal that the US did not abide by any international rule in cyberspace and completely violated the bilateral consensus on cybersecurity reached in 2015.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 3, 2022)
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