Binding: Talking to the World
In the previous article we turned Jazz program JSPG2 into COBOL, which we compiled. It is a web service, but it starts by reading a COBOL-format input message, and it sends COBOL-format output message(s). How is it going to communicate with other programs that are not written in COBOL? We need something like Esperanto, a simple common language that everyone can understand.
Today JSON is the preferred language for web service communication. Our web service only knows COBOL: we need logic that turns incoming messages from JSON to COBOL, and outgoing messages from COBOL to JSON. There will be similar logic at the client end, converting the message to/from JSON from/to Java, C#, VB, or whatever the client program uses. Creating this logic is called "Binding".
For users who have MANASYS Jazz configured to use z/OS, binding has already been done. When you clicked [Process] to compile the program, the JCL that was generated included steps following the compile step to create the binding logic and the JSON descriptions of the input and output messages.
It's slightly more difficult for those using Micro Focus. In summary
1. Add a service interface for JSPG2 to your COBOL project and define the interface. Choose options CWS-Type, JSON, and CICS Channel. Do not choose SOAP: this was an earlier type, but JSON has superseded it.
2. With the interface defined, right-click JZPG2.svi and click Generate WSBIND
3. Move JSPG2.wsbind from the project's root folder to the project's loadlib folder.
4. Build the project.
This is illustrated in detail here. Ignore the WSDL (=SOAP) examples.
With binding completed, our new web service is now running and we can test it with utility programs like ReadyAPI and Postman. This will be covered by the next article in this series.
See our web page if you want more information about MANASYS Jazz and to see what it can do. Contact us if you have any questions, or connect with us on LinkedIn. Download a free evaluation copy to try out MANASYS Jazz yourself. And if you haven't done so already, please repost the link to this series of articles to your colleagues and contacts.
Senior Test Analyst at iag Insurance
1 年I really like these walk throughs, helps to see how simple the process is in Jazz.