Binder for Iron Ore Pellet Fines Briquette

Binder for Iron Ore Pellet Fines Briquette

#binderforironorepelletfinesbriquette #ironorepelletfinesbriquettebinder #IOPfinesbriquettebinder #coldpressbriquettebinder #ironpelletbinder #pelletizingbinder #agglomeration #solidwastetreatment #greensteel

Nowadays, Iron ore pellet fines, often regarded as solid waste, can be transformed into valuable resources through cold press briquette technology with a good binder. Today I want to explore the origins of iron ore pellet fines, and recycling methods, this is a way that iron ore pellet producers can make it in plants, avoiding the shipping and dust environmental pollution, and at the same time, it can generate values for companies.

1. Where Do Iron Ore Pellet Fines Come From?

Iron ore pellet fines are a byproduct generated during the processing of iron ore pelletizing. These fines can result from:

Pelletizing Process: During the pelletizing of iron ore, some pellets may break apart or generate fines, particularly if they are subjected to excessive handling or transportation.

Handling and Transportation: Movement of pellets can also lead to breakage, contributing to the creation of fines.

Those fines contain large values of iron, it can be recycle as charges to furnaces.

2. How to Recycle Iron Ore Pellet Fines?

Recycling iron ore pellet fines presents an opportunity to minimize waste and enhance production efficiency. One effective method for recycling these fines is through cold press briquette technology.

Cold press briquetting is a process that utilizes mechanical pressure to compact iron ore pellet fines into uniform briquettes without the need for heat.

The cold press briquetting process involves mixing the iron ore pellet fines with a suitable binder, then applying mechanical pressure to form dense briquettes. These briquettes can then be used in various applications, including direct reduction processes, thus providing a sustainable solution to iron ore fines disposal.

3. How to Choose a Good Binder for Iron Ore Pellet Fines?

Selecting an appropriate binder is crucial for the successful production of iron ore pellet fines briquettes. Our binder is modified corn starch basis with other polymers, making it a synthetic binder, advantages below:

(1). Strong binding properties. (Green briquette strength: 1.5m drop integrity; cold compressive strength(CCS): up to 200kg)

(2). Less dosage and cost-effective. ( usually 3-5% )

(3). Completely replace bentonite, molasses (6-8%) and lime(4-6%), cement, and sodium silicate.

(4). High induration, durability, and yield.

(5). Low ash content, easy to handle, store, and ship.

(6). No Harmful Emissions.

The utilization of iron ore pellet fines through advanced cold press briquette technology not only aids in waste reduction but also contributes to resource efficiency in the iron and steel industry. By understanding the origins of these fines, effective recycling methods, and the selection of suitable binders, producers can enhance the sustainability and profitability of their operations.

[email protected]


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