Introducing....The Book Pilot
Robert Lang - The Book Pilot
I help people tell their story the way they want it to be told. I work to your priorities, to ensure your memoirs, works of fiction, poetry or short stories get written and completed; edited, proofread and published.
The A-Z Authors' Consultancy
Writing a book can be a hard, but hugely rewarding thing to do.
I offer: Support, Solutions and Satisfaction.
It’s often said that everyone has one great book inside them and that’s the premise for what follows.
This Article introduces an Author’s Consultancy, which will provide a number of services to assist primarily new authors or those otherwise unrepresented, to get a book written and published.
I’m not a Literary Agent: my aim, as the right-hand man if you will, is to offer encouragement, quality control, research services and specific options for publishing to the everyday, aspiring author who dreams of having their work published to a high standard and thereby creating a genuine likelihood of deriving some income from future sales of their book.
The Authors' Consultancy will work with clients who wish to see their book in print and also with those whose preference is to publish an E-book.
Whatever genre or style of writing an author is engaged in, the following services are currently available, either as a complete package or as options in a pick ‘n mix bag.
1. The Groundwork - Let’s get the writing done
Many would-be authors struggle to find the time to write. Some worry continuously that they can’t order their content effectively
Others suffer Writers’ Block or start to feel drained with the effort of writing after beginning the project enthusiastically.
This is the starting point for me: offering an intervention – talking with the client and identifying what the barriers are to getting a first draft of the content written; removing those barriers and agreeing the best way forward, ensuring the writing gets done
2. The Foundations – Structural Editing
Once a first draft manuscript is complete (which doesn’t have to be the whole book) structural editing is important.
I’ll assess and confirm the best way to present the content; ordering it, dividing or grouping together the various parts.
I'll suggest what I believe to be the most convincing presentation, with the aim of producing a book that is in all ways accessible and engaging for future readers.
3. Solid Walls, Sound Roofing - Proofreading
A careful scrutiny of spellings, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure to ensure accuracy and that what is read makes sense.
This is a two-stage process, involving first a simple read through and then a line by line microscopic examination.
Typically the corrected manuscript will be provided on a Word doc, side by side with the original to assist the client to identify and understand any changes to their text..
4. Plumbing & Wiring - Researching Potential Publishers
Having discussed how the client wishes to see their book published and what level of support they desire from any publisher, I will research the market to establish and recommend 3-5 options for getting the book published. A report will be produced describing each option and explaining why it’s being recommended.
5 Get the Decorators in - Approaching Publishers
If and when a client accepts a recommended option from my report and needs no further input from me, a finder’s fee will be due and our contract ends.
If, however, the client wishes me to approach publishers on their behalf, I will also do that.
The aim will be to secure an agreement to publish, promote and distribute the book for sale,
Whenever possible, all work will be provided on an agreed fixed fee basis. This will inevitably vary from client to client, but my rates are competitive.
If you know anyone who is writing a book or just thinking about it, I am always happy to have a chat with no further obligation.
Let’s build that book together!
Get in touch today (or tomorrow, if it's late already??) and let's just have a chat about your book with absolutely no obligation entailed.