Binary Representation of Floating Point Numbers in Java
Incus Data (Pty) Ltd
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Last post we looked at the representation of floating point numbers.
To recap, the floating point data types in Java have three components in their representation: a mantissa/significand, an exponent and a sign bit.
Java has two primitive floating point types, float and double. The size of their exponents and mantissas are given by the following table:
Printing the Mantissa and Exponent
To print the components of a floating point type, we can mask out the appropriate bits and shift them all to the right.
The mask values can easily be worked out from first principles using your knowledge of integer binary representation.
If you don’t feel like doing that, you can refer to the online Java API documentation of Double::doubleToLongBits(double). For float types refer to Float::floatToIntBits(float).
These links are to the Java SE 17 API documentation. If you want Java 11 or 21 documentation, just change the version number in the URL.
These mask values are used in the example code below:
private static void printParts(double value) {
final long SIGN_BIT_MASK = 0x8000000000000000L; // bit 63
final long EXPONENT_MASK = 0x7ff0000000000000L; // bits 62 to 52
final long MANTISSA_MASK = 0x000fffffffffffffL; // bits 51 to 0
final int SIGN_SHIFT = 63;
final int EXPONENT_SHIFT = 52; // biased exponent
System.out.printf("%nPrinting in floating point and hex form%n");
System.out.printf("Floating point value : %f%n", value);
System.out.printf("Hexadecimal (%%a) : %+A%n", value);
System.out.printf("%nUsing doubleToLongBits(value)%n");
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
System.out.printf("Raw integral value (decimal): %d%n", bits);
System.out.printf("Raw integral value (hex) : %X%n", bits);
System.out.printf("%nPrinting the separate parts%n");
System.out.printf("Raw bits: %64s%n", Long.toBinaryString(bits));
System.out.printf("Sign : %d%n",
System.out.printf("Exponent: %d%n",
System.out.printf("Mantissa: %d%n", bits & MANTISSA_MASK);
private static void printParts(float value) {
final long SIGN_BIT_MASK = 0x80000000; // bit 31
final long EXPONENT_MASK = 0x7f800000; // bits 30 to 23
final long MANTISSA_MASK = 0x007fffff; // bits 22 to 0
final int SIGN_SHIFT = 31;
final int EXPONENT_SHIFT = 23; // biased exponent
System.out.printf("%nPrinting in floating point and hex form%n");
System.out.printf("Floating point value : %f%n", value);
System.out.printf("Hexadecimal (%%a) : %+A%n", value);
System.out.printf("%nUsing floatToIntBits(value)%n");
int bits = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
System.out.printf("Raw integral value (decimal): %d%n", bits);
System.out.printf("Raw integral value (hex) : %X%n", bits);
System.out.printf("%nPrinting the separate parts%n");
System.out.printf("Raw bits: %32s%n", Integer.toBinaryString(bits));
System.out.printf("Sign : %d%n",
System.out.printf("Exponent: %d%n",
System.out.printf("Mantissa: %d%n", bits & MANTISSA_MASK);
We can use these two methods in a simple program as follows:
public static void main(String args[]) {
// change values here, or ask for user input
double value1 = 0.3; // try other values including Double.NaN;
float value2 = 0.3F; // try other values including Float.NaN;
Further Reading and Signing Off
The example code is similar to the floating point visualisation pages at, and, but obviously not as polished. That will be left to you, the dear reader…
You can read more on the formats of floating point numbers at
More on first principles can be find at,, or an appropriate Google search.
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