The Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory of the Origin and Structure of the Universe

The Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory of the Origin and Structure of the Universe

by John Akwei, ECMp ERMp Data Scientist

Section 1 - Preamble

The following proposes a theory of new physics related to the origin of the Universe, Planck constants, gravity, a quantum information field derived from information theory, and the digital vs analog structure of the Universe.

The first picosecond of the Universe is one of the most mysterious and fascinating periods in all of cosmology. The first picosecond of the universe is not understood at this time. However, it is a period of time that is essential to understanding the origin and evolution of the universe. It was during this brief window of time that the universe went from being a hot, dense singularity to the vast, colder, and expanding cosmos we see today.

During the first picosecond, the universe was so hot and dense that the four fundamental forces of nature were unified. Gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force, and the weak force were all one and the same force. As the universe expanded and cooled, these forces began to separate, giving rise to the universe we know today.

One of the most important events that took place during the first picosecond was cosmic inflation, a period of incredibly rapid expansion that took place in the first few moments after the Big Bang. During this time, the universe expanded by a factor of at least 10?2.

Cosmic inflation is thought to be responsible for the uniformity of the universe, and the tiny ripples in the cosmic microwave background radiation. In an instant virtually too brief to comprehend, the first picosecond of cosmic existence saw the birth of spacetime itself as an unimaginably dense, hot entity burst into being. The fundamental forces of nature split off from each other as the universe rapidly expanded and cooled. Quarks condensed into protons and neutrons, forming the first atomic nuclei. Matter diametrically separated from antimatter as symmetries broke.

Space billowed outward at the speed of light, the horizon of the observable universe growing with each fraction of a second. Primordial quantum fluctuations became the seeds of galactic superclusters. The newborn cosmos was still too hot for electrons to bind to nuclei, or even for electrons to emerge from neutrons, or for quarks and gluons to form neutrons, or for gluons to emerge from quarks, or even too hot for quarks to form.

That infinitesimally tiny instant set in motion eons of cosmic evolution. It planted the first seeds from which stars, planets, and life would eventually emerge. We can only extrapolate to after the first picosecond of the universe, and deduce what came before. The first picosecond remains physics’ greatest mystery, when the laws of nature themselves were forged by the first primordial force. The rest is the history of the universe.

Section 2 — Planck Constants

The Planck constant, symbolized by h, is the smallest possible unit of action in quantum mechanics. It is a fundamental constant of nature, and it is thought to be the smallest possible unit of information. Action is a physical quantity that is the product of energy and time. It is a fundamental constant of nature, meaning that it is not dependent on any other physical quantities. The value of the Planck constant is h=6.62607015×10^?34 joule-seconds. The Planck constant is important in quantum mechanics because it sets the scale at which quantum effects become important. For example, the energy of a photon is quantized, meaning that it can only have certain values that are multiples of h. This is why light can only be emitted or absorbed in discrete packets, called quanta. Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory proposes that the universe originated as a field of Planck constants.

The primordial, origin field of the universe is proposed to consist of a field of Planck length wave/object duality, exhibiting both wave-like and particle-like properties. The individual Planck constants within the Planck constant field contain a gravitational field that prevents any information from escaping. The gravitational field of an object is proportional to its mass. Therefore, the gravitational field of an object that existed inside a Planck constant would be incredibly strong, and bend spacetime so much that even light would be unable to escape. As many Planck constants would fit inside a proton, as grains of sand would fit inside the Sun.

Consequently, the base 1 field of Planck constants is proposed to constitute a base 1 field of zero information. Base 1 consists of no variability and therefore no information, via the form of an infinite unitary series of one number only, a single repeating digit, for example 0000… or 1111… Because only one pattern can exist in base 1, no information with enough complexity or variety, to be considered information exists. Base 1 can encode no meaningful information or complexity, only uniformity. This all-pervasive base 1 field simultaneously occupies all spacetime, yet remains inherently undetectable. A base 1 field of Planck constants simultaneously exists everywhere and is unfindable anywhere. If a Planck constant were placed in a box, it would be as probable to find the Planck constant outside the box as inside the box.

A base 1 field of Planck constants can never have any dimensions. Dimensions can only emerge out of a base 1 field. Lacking any dimensions itself, the base 1 Planck constant field gives rise to the emergence of dimensions like space and time. The dimension of time emerging from a Planck constant is provable via relativity. In particular, time is proposed to arise from relativistic effects inherent to this theory’s concept of Planck constants.

According to Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory, a base 1 field can only emerge from a Planck constant. The original Planck constant or the resulting base 1 Planck constant field are unfindable, unobservable and inaccessible. A base 1 field enforces a maximum universal speed limit of c, (or the speed of light), via internal gravitational forces within individual Planck constants.

Section 3 — Gravity

The Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory states that when the Planck constants of the proposed Planck constant field begin interacting gravitationally, the base 2 field of information emerges from the base 1 uniformity. The beginning of the base 2 information field is the gravitational field interactions of the base 1 field of Planck constants.

The gravitational field interactions of Planck constants are thought to be the source of all other fields in the universe. These interactions create symmetry breaking, which is the process by which a system with multiple possible states spontaneously chooses one state.

Gravitational field interactions of Planck constants are hypothesized to create all other physical fields via symmetry breaking. Symmetry breaking of the base 2 digital information field creates cellular automata structures that appear as the analog structures of the universe. This is concurrent with the number system base 2, with its binary digits 0 and 1 existing as the first number system that can create any information, and constitutes the simplest information system capable of encoding meaningful variability. Therefore, the primary field of Planck constants are the zero field, (or zero point field), and resulting secondary field of Planck constant-external gravitational force is the one field. When the zero field and the one field interact, the binary base 2 digital information field is created.

A cellular automaton is a discrete model of computation studied in automata theory. A cellular automaton consists of a grid of cells, each in one of a finite number of states, such as on and off. The grid can be in any finite number of dimensions. For each cell, a set of cells called its neighborhood is defined relative to the specified cell. An initial state (time t = 0) is selected by assigning a state for each cell. A new generation is created (advancing t by 1), according to some fixed rule, generally, a mathematical function, that determines the new state of each cell in terms of the current state of the cell and the states of the cells in its neighborhood.

Section 4 - Digital vs Analog

Digital information can simulate all analog structures. Analog can never accurately simulate digital by definition of analog. Therefore, the ultimate structure of the universe is digital. The theory proposes that the Planck constants compose the zero field, while gravity constitutes the one field. The interaction between these two primordial fields results in the base 2 digital field that underlies physical existence.

Digital information is information that is represented in discrete form. This means that it is represented by a series of zeros and ones. Analog information is information that is represented in continuous form with an ever increasing series of usually base 10 numbers. This means that it can be represented by an infinite number of values.

The theory proposes that the ultimate structure of the universe is digital. The theory states that digital information is capable in principle of simulating any analog forms, systems, or structures. However, by its definitional limitations, analog information cannot reproduce, emulate, or simulate digital information with complete accuracy. Therefore, the theory concludes that at the most essential level, the universe must have a digital informational structure, rather than an analog one.

Section 5 - Theoretical Framework of Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory

The Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory presumes the universe is a discrete lattice of cells, each of which has a radius of the Planck length, the state of each cell is determined by a discrete number of bits, the rules that govern the state transitions of the cells are deterministic and local, and the wave function in quantum mechanics is a manifestation of the probability distribution of the cells in the cellular automaton.

The relationship between the Planck length and the lattice of cells in the cellular automaton is that each cell in the lattice has a radius of the Planck constant. The Planck length is the smallest possible length in Planck units, which is the most fundamental time and distance scale. The universe is assumed to be a discrete lattice of cells, with each cell having a radius of the Planck length. The state of each cell is determined by a discrete number of bits, and the rules that govern the state transitions of the cells are deterministic and local.

In Planck units, the Planck length is the smallest possible length, the Planck mass is the smallest possible mass, and the Planck density is the highest possible density. This means that the lattice of cells in the cellular automaton would be incredibly small, incredibly massive, and incredibly dense.

The wave function in quantum mechanics is a manifestation of the probability distribution of the cells in the cellular automaton. The information field is identified with the discrete lattice of cells in the cellular automaton, and the information Hamiltonian is derived from the rules that govern the state transitions of the cells in the cellular automaton. The propagator, interaction vertices, and information source in IFT are all emergent properties of the collective behavior of the cellular automaton.

In summary, the Planck length is intimately related to the lattice of cells in the cellular automaton, which is the basis of the theoretical framework of Information Field Theory.


The following equations are used to describe the Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory:

1) The wave function of the cellular automaton is a discrete function, rather than a continuous function.


wave_function(x) = {1 if x == 0; 0 otherwise}


$\psi(x,t) = \sum_{x_i} \psi(x_i, t_i) \delta(x-x_i)$


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Where $\psi(x,t)$ is the wave function, $x_i$ are the discrete positions of cells in the lattice, $t_i$ are the discrete time steps, and $\delta(x-x_i)$ is the Dirac delta function determining the contribution from each cell. This shows the wave function is a discrete summation over cells, not a continuous function.

2) The information Hamiltonian is a discrete function, rather than a continuous function.


information_hamiltonian(x) = {0 if x == 0; x^2 if x > 0}


$H = \sum_{x_i} H(x_i, t_i) \delta(x-x_i)$


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Where $H$ is the information Hamiltonian, $x_i$ and $t_i$ are as before, and $H(x_i,t_i)$ gives the discrete Hamiltonian contribution from each cell. This shows the information Hamiltonian is also a discrete function.

3) The propagator, interaction vertices, and information source in IFT are all discrete functions, rather than continuous functions.


propagator(x, y) = {1 if x == y; 0 otherwise}

interaction_vertex(x, y, z) = {1 if x == y == z; 0 otherwise}

information_source(x) = {0 if x == 0; 1 otherwise}


$G(x,x') = \sum_{x_i} G(x_i, x'_i) \delta(x-x_i) \delta(x'-x'_i)$

$V(x_1, x_2, ...) = \sum_{x_{i1}, x_{i2},...} V(x_{i1}, x_{i2},...) \prod_j \delta(x_j - x_{ij})$

$J(x) = \sum_{x_i} J(x_i) \delta(x-x_i)$


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Where $G$, $V$, and $J$ are the propagator, interaction vertices, and information source respectively. The discrete delta functions again determines the contribution from each cell.

4) The Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Equation

The five equations can be combined into one overall equation as follows:

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Where $I$ is the information field, $x_i$ are the discrete positions of cells in the lattice, and $\delta(x-x_i)$ is the Dirac delta function determining the contribution from each cell. This equation shows that the information field is a discrete summation over cells, not a continuous function.


These equations are examples of how the wave function, information Hamiltonian, propagator, interaction vertices, and information source can be represented as discrete functions in the cellular automaton interpretation of quantum mechanics. More complex equations could be used to represent the behavior of the cellular automaton in more detail.

Section 6 - Predictions

The theory makes a number of predictions about the behavior of quantum systems. For example, the theory predicts that the wave function of a quantum system will be discrete, rather than continuous. The theory also predicts that the information Hamiltonian of a quantum system will be discrete, rather than continuous.

Section 7 - Testing the Theory

The theory can be tested by simulating the cellular automaton on a quantum computer. The simulation can be used to make predictions about the behavior of quantum systems. These predictions can then be compared to experimental data to test the validity of the theory.?If the predictions are confirmed by experiment, then the theory will provide a new way to understand the relationship between information and quantum mechanics.

Section 8 - Conclusions

Binary Planck Object/Wave/Gravity Theory concludes that at the most essential level, the universe has a digital informational structure, rather than an analog one. This digitally-encoded information field underlies and gives rise to the seemingly and illusionary analog structures observed in the universe. Binary Planck Object/Wave/Gravity Theory is a new and radical proposal for the origin of the universe. It challenges our current understanding of physics and information, and it offers a new way of thinking about the digital vs analog structure of the universe. In summary, the Binary Planck Wave/Object/Gravity Theory proposes that the origin and fundamental structure of the universe emerge from digital information encoded from Planck scale wave/particle duality and gravitational interactions.

Section 9 - Explanations of Terms

Planck constant: The smallest possible unit of action in quantum mechanics.

Wave/object duality: The property of some objects to behave as both waves and particles.

Gravitational field: A field of force that attracts objects to each other.

Symmetry breaking: The process by which a system with multiple possible states spontaneously chooses one state.

Digital information: Information that is represented in discrete form.

Analog information: Information that is represented in continuous form.


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