Bimodal debunked and debugged
We are moving to a bimodal model for IT and along with the guild, am helping set the pace. For those unfamiliar with the term, it was coined by Gartner in what is widely considered a rather simplistic and muddled article from 2014, albeit one with a ring of truth to it. Details here:
I did my usual think, talk, read cycle and waited for fate to lend a hand. And as usual it did in the form of missing pieces located down the back of the sofa at Simon Wardley's Map Camp. My set complete, I drafted some models, workshopped the ideas in small groups then in interactive sessions in the larger guild using my new favourite toy, Microsoft Surface Hub. This excellent tool can join a Teams meeting and turn it into an interactive scribble fest-yum. As a result, I have pretty much completed a debug of bimodal ready for mainstream consumption. Here we go:
This model assists sense-making in the modern enterprise:
Wicked problems
Many problems with enterprise computing are as a result of the following:
Righteous solutions
A fractal view of this model
This model unfinished but proving F useful --it just works. Let me know your thoughts ...
Mark Smith raised the Simon Wardley objection in the comments. My response as follows:
And Mark did, and these are the great questions he asked (italics) and these are my responses:
What are the modes and what do they do, how do they arbitrate between themselves? - are they management structures/resource groups/budget ownership boundaries /constraint models / method boundaries?
Our adoption of the terminology at my present org means I am obliged to use the terms but wish to do so in a way that does maximum good and minimum damage. They have some use as they reflect the tension between operating models required in large complex organisations with a lot of the old and a fair bit of the new. Modes I have just reinterpreted as being short-hand for
This from Howard Thurman on the growing edge, curtesy of master weaver Curtis Ogden:
What are the fractal components? - are they cell-based teams or are they discrete products and services (your example of a mobile phone suggests the latter).
Good question, could be both and may depend on whether we are talking the breakdown within our org or that of our suppliers. E.g. in systems thinking terms. e.g.
At a fractal level, who/what decides where the lower level fractal component sits in the upper level domain....and vice-versa??
Ideally the efficiency of the industrialisation process within the organisation as market economy e.g. if everyone is doing the same thing in <Custom Build> it is better treated as a <Product> or <Commodity>. Simon Wardley made this exact point at Map Camp. In the real world, limitations of teams, politics, budgets, organisation, culture introduce biases and resistance.
If it's fractal then how does recursion work? -?the fractal model implies mode 1 and mode 2 for each fractal level??- some other recursive models such as VSM have a structure to recursion and constraints such as requisite variety that I don't see here.
I am not an expert on Beer or viable systems model. Something to do with evolving itself. don't forget:
By all means disregard these questions if you think you are suggesting teal-based ideas?to a green thinker :-)?
Thanks for the complement. I see myself as a Teal thinker as well as Green, Orange, Amber and when absolutely necessary Red. This article is inspired by all these notions inasmuch as I want it to be both humanistic and ruthlessly efficient at the same time. It is more a reflection of my growing understanding of Wardley mappings than Teal, and also reflects a unique lens I have into the workings of a very complex organisation trying to evolve and modernise.
Hope that helps.
Sparse graphs, scale-free networks, in this case factors in an engineering problem plotted against each other and interactions explored and ranked:
Story-teller, thinker and creative
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