Bilu B0x Vulnerable VM
Goal: Break into VM using web application. From there escalate privileges to gain root access
Phase 1 | Reconnaissance
find the target using netdiscover with the -r flag to specify the range
TARGET: 192 .168.56.7
map the target using NMAP with the services flag (-sV), the OS flag (-O) and -n (skip DNS resolution)
SSH and HTTP services running on a Linux 3.2 box.
Phase 2 | Scanning
Browser shows a login portal with nothing in the source code of interest.
scan directories using dirb
?found file parameter error on /test
Phase 3 | Enumeration
included my own parameter as an LFI, in a POST Request using curl, which successfully pulled the /etc/passwd file
since I was able to curl the passwd file, I went straight for the juice. PHP config files hold credentials, which is exactly what I need. Once I found the config, I found the credentials.
Phase 3 | Gaining Access
With these credentials in hand, I SSH into the box
confirmed root
Phase 4 | Maintaining Access
added a backdoor using netcat :)