Billy Zabka
Some of our surveyors were meeting this morning, and Billy Zabka showed up.
Who is Billy Zabka? Well, if you're over 40 you already know. He's the real karate kid.
Spoiler Alert.
The Karate Kid was a great movie from the 80s about a guy who had this jerk show up and cause all kinds of problems, make moves on his girlfriend, and eventually steal his karate tournament trophy with an illegal kick to the face. The movie had a depressing ending, but all great movies are dark and brooding.
Unlike Billy Zabka. Billy is so awesome that just his picture will radiate bars of pure sunlight.
Our surveyors were basking in it while coordinating this week's work. The snow is going and our workload is piling up. Think you might want a survey of your property? Call soon at 897-6752.
We'll let you know as soon as we get Billy Zabka on our crew.