Billions in Funding YET AJIO sucks
Sachin Katariya
I can help you with offshore product development, start with 2+ people team, .net, java, Opensource, cloud, me
Disclaimer: I have never been FAN or Supporter of Reliance
I did not let my strong personal views come in way when my sister and nephew decided to shop on, partly blinded by ajio coupons on GPay during Diwali [as Christmas is to western world] festival.
Order placed on 16th November 2020 and Delivered in batches.
Tshirt that I decided to gift to my nephew [see image] was eagerly awaited.
What got delivered was WRONG Item
Is that reason to Blog....No way, It is just the start of Painful process, still continuing as i write
One would normally call/write CSR and ask them to Exchange/Refund/Return, right? and max 7 to 10 days ordeal should have ended.....not when it is AJIO/Reliance dealing with non-government sector, the Paying Public.
- Their system allowed us to arrange for Exchange and with sub-reason Wrong product shipped
- Duly the courier guy comes to exchange BUT our piece to be returned for exchange does not match with barcode system provided [barcode would not match when its wrong product to be picked]
- on explaining our side he said he will speak internally and will attempt another 2 pickups....2 more #2 encounters
- His resolution we speak to CSR and get it sorted [to put an exception of No Barcode while pickup]
- COVID days less manpower so was patient for couple of days with welcome tone only
- Good Karma and finally was able to speak to CSR guy who said "Sorry for your Trouble...", line becomes as fake routine, as fair looking lady at QSR counter smiles to me when i place an order [sorry for the diversion]
- He says he will put in note and we would not face issue again and advises us to click Exchange once again [Training course and time where some Millions from Billion funding can be used, why read on....]
- Relived but short duration as We go through another 3 rounds of #2, yes ...
- Again Good Karma and I speak to CSR guy in 2 attempts and "Sorry for your Trouble...", on explaining the story [should'nt system give him an overview of my complaint akin to last call reason, why keep on narrating multiple times?] he says SINCE WRONG ITEM DELIVERED IT CANNOT BE EXCHANGED Solution RETUN and REFUND....He says he will take care to put in barcode exception
- Return process initiated Courier guy comes and guess what it is #2 all over again as system says BARCODE DOES NOT MATCH
- Having had enough, even though it was CSR Lady with "Sorry for your Trouble...", I demanded audience with Floor supervisor and persisted even though they threw "HE is busy on another call, can i help you"....Finally Supervisor is on Line
- "Sorry for your Trouble...", yes even he starts with these words and apologies for my ordeal with his commitment The CSR/Back office will initiate RETURN [as it would be over 30 days pf purchase, limit you can exchange/return] with no barcode exception and Good will gesture will be thrown in
- As our Right product was to be shipped back to Kolkata warehouse [barcode not matching so was not exchanged :)] I waited for 10 odd days
- With no progress from AJIO end called up and wrote to CSR for RETURN, CSR email wing sought from us wrong product details and barcode
- Courier guy arrives and YES #2 all over again
- No Saint hence call up CSR number and give Gentlemen blast and yes again "Sorry for your Trouble..." I demand to be put to same supervisor they promise call back
- Call back never comes even though alternative number had been provided
- after patience gives up 9 days Today call up CSR and in response to "Sorry for your Trouble...", I utter BEEP BEEP BEEP that they had to disconnect, tried knocking sense via CSR email
- Prompt call from AJIO [truecaller showed Mumbai] Lady starts....I am like had enough Keep my money she like no will do the right, so still waiting
Mukeshbhai will not listen/read this post but for company wanting to be court the Paying Public, here is how you can attempt to improve AJIO
A. Touchbase with Infy/TCS and buy COTS or Customised solution [AtmaNirbhar Bharat]
B. Hire top salaried guys to run your CSR operations
C. Variable payment for all CSR employees including top ones must be on Complaint Resolution % and Time line resolution adherence %
D. Training invest Millions there as 1st CSR that i spoke to should have warned me that wrong product would not be exchanged
Duniya ko Mutthi mein karna itna aasan nahi hai....
VP - Digital Practice | Building Teams | Business Transformation Leader | Insurance | SaaS |
4 年Sad story but has been my experience on the Indian ekarts all along. Basically once the money has left, you are at their mercy on what they do next. We should have a strong, no question asked dispute transaction mechanism from banks that repay their customer first and send a chargeback to the merchant. If the merchant disputes, a separate flow can happen.. Unless that happens, I do not see how the customer can ever be relieved of being at the mercy of the merchant for no fault of his/her