Billionaires Aren't The Problem You Are
Now before you call the FDA on me, hear me out. This does not apply to everyone. I have been seeing a lot of finger pointing when it comes to wealth and why the middle class is getting screwed. I can be as honest as possible here, your feelings might get hurt, so buckle up butter cup.
Why Am I Not Rich?
This is a simple question that most if not all people who aren't rich have asked themselves. The truth is you are a talker more than a doer. The flip side of that coin is you are rich just not materialistic rich. Remember rich can be happiness, piece of mind, or even lifestyle. If you have a healthy lifestyle then you are rich. As long as you enjoy what you do, you can do what you would like at least a few times a year. You don't have to be "Financially free." Financial freedom isn't what you think it means. Being rich isn't the same as being wealthy. Wealthy is forever, rich is for a while. Remember to distinguish the two. Do you want to be wealthy or rich?
Financial Freedom
Financial freedom isn't all it's chalked up to be. A lot of people think that it is having a few passive income streams where they do little to no work to get paid. Listen, passive income is real but it takes a boat load of time and or money to get there. You don't just do this overnight you also don't just relax forever. Trust me many of you think that living on a beach in a nice house, going to a bar everyday, going out partying every night is the life. Trust me it isn't. Ask anyone who actually is financially free or who owns a business. No, you constantly worry about things. You constantly want to make your life better and the people you care about better. You get bored VERY quick doing absolutely nothing. With money comes power, and with power comes change. Change isn't easy and neither is wealth. Financial freedom isn't a right, it is earned. Once you earn the right you will want to earn more, not out of greed but out of prosperity.
Money Is A Tool
Money is a tool which enhances human features. So, if you are a tool, more money will just make you an even bigger tool. If you are a generous person you will be giving a lot more. If you are a toxic person as an employee, guess what you will be a toxic boss too. So do the world a favor and don't be a piece of shit, especially if you plan to make money. Read books about leadership and being a better human being. That is what we need right now, better leadership, not more tyrants. The world is full of those types of people. All they do is destroy the people around them because they have to hit a number or focus on an agenda. I can assure you if you lead like a tyrant, you are leading for the short term. Since this article is about billionaires you aren't going to be a short term billionaire unless you are creating some sketchy company. Yes, Safemoon I'm talking about you.
Billionaires Don't Pay Taxes
Listen, lets get one thing straight. Any billionaire story started out with humble beginnings. Billionaires have money to avoid a lot of tax provisions. They create jobs for hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of people. The risks they take are not going to their 9-5 job and complaining how they don't have anymore donuts in the breakroom. No, billionaires invest time, money, and even in people to bring their visions to life. They don't go to their office and complain about how their co worker can't get their job done right. They don't complain they take action. So instead of complaining about the donuts, they go to the donut shop and grab some for the office. They go to the manager's office and explain their position about how the breakroom needs donuts. They take the feedback from the manager then they put the receipt on the boss's desk and ask for a reimbursement. Billionaires will go to their co worker and ask "what is going on? We were supposed to be a team with this. How can I help you get this one done?" Billionaires don't complain about their co workers they support them.
Billionaires build connections they don't create enemies. They find out solutions they don't create problems. There are rules and regulations set in place for people who do exactly what the government wants them to do. Yes, they don't pay as much in taxes as they "should." You want to know why? Because they are out there taking the risks, they are out there creating jobs. They are out there creating housing. They are playing by the government's "building game." What do we do? We are stuck in the rat race as some would call it. We don't create jobs, we don't create housing. You know what we create, problems, we create problems. All we do is want want want. Want more money, a bigger house, want to go on vacation 9 months out of the year. But NONE of us are willing to work for it. I don't know about you but I'm tired of complaining, I'm more focused on doing now.
Building An Empire
Rome was not built in a day. Don't think that Billionaire's had it easy every step of the way. NOR did they have it easy when they first started. Billionaire's were called crazy, they were criticized, they were ridiculed. They were absolutely humiliated when they lost their first company. It was and never will be an easy journey. They stuck with it, so why can't you?
2 年Thanks for sharing Christopher Masi