Billing invoices and invoices that are false or undue...

Billing invoices and invoices that are false or undue...

There is a whole series of scams and actions to the damages of companies that enjoy administrative failures, internal communication or organizational, common in companies or entities of all kinds and even in multinationals.

Some of these scams might well appear in the internal fraud section, as they sometimes involve complicit officials.

In other cases it is not technically a question of fraud or openly unlawful acts, even though there are already judicial decisions in this sense, but of marketing actions in the limit of legality, and very debatable from an ethical point of view, aiming to achieve non-mandatory payments By careless or uninformed companies.

This is a summary of the main cases of this type:

Banned business association tickets: The company receives a bank slip for alleged routine services or membership fees or participation in something. In most cases, the ticket has an "official" appearance, meaning that it is a document of some association or public entity whose payment is obligatory or recommended.

The value of this ticket is not very high, often something below 100 R $ and rarely above 300 R $. In reality these payments are not due (that is, they are totally optional and not compulsory as in many cases these tickets subtly suppose) and, in most cases, no service is provided in return. If it is association fee for some entity this frequently does not exist or is deprived of any content or utility.

These tickets, even when issued by an entity that actually exists, never provide an explanation of the objectives of such an association, has no indication of the entity's website or specification of the services to which the payment would be entitled.

The tickets end up mixed with the others received by the company, and being a small value, with a seemingly plausible and time-consuming or difficult to verify motivation, ends up being paid regularly.

For "associations" that send thousands of tickets of this type, what counts is the average of payments ... if by hypothesis the tickets paid are only 10% out of a total of 10,000 sent, and each is for a value of 95 R $, they will end up getting 95,000 R $ practically for free !!

(See examples on the following page)

The small invoices for not supplied material: the company receives an invoice for a modest amount (something between 50 and 200 R $) supposedly related to the supply of usual consumer office supplies (sulphite paper, printer cartridges, fax paper, pens , Toner etc ...). In some cases the scammers use the name and brands of the company's usual vendors, but the bank details for the payment are different. In other cases they can (by calling with some excuse) the name of an employee of the company that is then used as reference in the invoice to prove that the goods were even ordered / delivered. In fact this material was never provided, but because it is a plausible invoice, relative to consumer material and with a small value, it ends up being paid normally.

The adulteration of the tickets of concessionaires and suppliers: the company receives a bill of collection of some concessionaire of public services (energy, telephony etc ...) or of a supplier. This is a growing fraud and involves the tampering of tickets of this type. In practice, victims' companies, guides with the tampered barcodes and the favored field are indicated or given a "ghost account". Sometimes the tab adulterations are very well done.

In the most rudimentary procedure, and which has been identified with an astonishing frequency, the tickets are made of sulphite paper in a common printer (black or colored inkjet). Bar codes are tampered with in order to force bank tellers to enter the numerals above the code (numerical representation of the code). These figures are an alteration of the originals and end up indicating a distinct favored bank account, obviously under the control of the coup. Thus, the amounts that should be credited to a service concessionaire or a supplier are eventually diverted to the coup.

Obviously this fraud has a shorter life than that involving tax guides. Generally, the concessionaires notify users of the services with greater agility, when they do not block the services and begin the collection process. Suppliers also check their receipts on a regular basis. Often there is connivance of ticket sellers or employees of the victims' companies.The fraudulent sale with changed prices: the company receives by telephone (not to be tested) an advantageous offer for a certain office material, accepts the offer and receives the material(Poor quality). Days or weeks later (to let time go by and forget details) you receive the relative invoice for a well-inflated amount relative to the original offer or containing items that were not delivered. The total amount of the invoice, however, remains relatively modest (below R $ 200, normally). The company ends up paying or not having control over what actually happened, or for not being able to return the material because it was already used, or for not having to argue (the rarest case). Undue invoices with employee involvement: this variant Aims to create mistrust within an organization. The whole thing starts when someone calls an employee talking about an incredible promotion of some article and offers you some gift or free promotional item. He accepts and the gift is officially delivered to the company. Soon after another comes another delivery of material taking as reference for the order, on the delivery note, the name of such employee. Along with the delivery or shortly afterwards also arrives the invoice for a value well above the value that could be expected for those goods. The invoice is also used as a reference the name of the employee. The scammers bet heavily on the nervousness of the employee in relation to the whole question and especially the need to justify the gift received when it is questioned by the superiors. The purpose is to make the company think that the employee is dishonest and has some roll that has led him to make the order or something similar, and as a consequence that the order is real and therefore must be paid. The issue of the present will surface if the bill is not paid, using this first as a threat against the employee and then to prove that the order actually happened, even if made by a dishonest employee. The publicity blow in the phone book: the company Victim is contacted by a publisher of telephone directories (sometimes they appear as advertising companies or as affiliates of telephone companies). In the contact, very kind and helpful, data is requested supposedly to update information for such a phone book or for other purposes, always letting you understand or speaking openly that it is something free or without additional costs beyond the phone bill. Frequently they also ask for some private information from whoever answers (document numbers), supposedly for reasons of security and reliability of the information provided. Alternatively they ask to send such information by fax or by filling out and returning a form which they also send by fax. In this case, they often also request that someone sign to confirm the information. After some time will arrive an invoice of such company, or another similar, charging a value (usually between 500 and 1500 Reals, often parceled) to include the data in some Phone book or for ads or advertisements. If the victim company fails to pay they will threaten legal action and will insistently charge that they have been hired to include the company on such list or to publish the ads, that the service was provided and that the information to either was provided by Fulano or Beltran (Who confirmed the information by telephone and / or signed the documents confirming by fax), presenting both the evidence they collected at the time of the initial contact (document number, fax sent with / without signature etc ...) There is a variant In which the contact is made directly by a collection company of such a telephone directory and, when questioned, they (or the telephone company's own company) request that a pre-formatted application be signed and faxed by them so that More information or documents proving the debt can be provided. In this document there are clauses of admission of the debt that, once signed, will be executed. Alternatively, possession of a copy of the signature will be forged documents allegedly sent by fax authorizing such publication in the telephone directories with consequent collection. The collection of prescribed titles, false or nonexistent: there are some variants of this modality. In some cases the victim (a physical or small business person) receives a contact (by phone, email or letter) from an alleged securities office or from a purported law firm, presumably based in some distant place. In the contact the victim is informed of the imminence of protest of supposed titles (tickets, contracts, checks ...) issued by him and not paid, and that to avoid such occurrence (which would entail higher costs and the inclusion of the name in the restriction organs To credit), you must make an immediate deposit of a certain amount. When requested to send a copy of such a title, the scam artists do not present anything (alleging any excuse) or sometimes present copies of falsified documents (in some cases with theVoluntary help or not from internal employees when the victim is a company). In reality it is an empty threat since there is no title in the condition of being protested or reasons for inclusion in the restriction organs. In another modality, the coup collectors, together with Company and other entities, old checks returned at the time and never paid, but also widely prescribed as a function of past time. With these documents in hand carry out a very aggressive billing informing the victim that in case of non payment of a stipulated amount for agreement the name of the same would be included in the credit restriction agencies and a judicial collection action would be initiated immediately. When requested you have no problem submitting a copy of the prescribed check. The intention is to frighten the victim into accepting an agreement and making payments that are in fact totally undue because it is the title prescribed. It is important to know that several cases of this type are subject to recovery actions (when the scammers have not already disappeared ), Mainly under the Code of Consumer Protection. The best defense, however, is always to have firm control over one's own administration, accounting, and payment process.


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