Bill & Ted 3; Scene ‘NYC’ (6.18.1971); part 2; Carole King
Marquee and sign out front: "Carole King; in concert at Carnegie Hall, NYC; June 18, 1971",_1971
B & T knock on the dressing room door… the door opens…
Carole is played by a 29-year-old light brown haired actress, who can sing and play the piano.
Carole: “lemme guess… You want me to autograph ‘Tapestry’ [LP]? ?
B: Yes, Ms. King [hands her the LP record album] … Thanks for understanding... I’m Bill…
T: And I’m Ted…
C: [smiles] Please, call me Carole…
[Tilts her head; Looks at Ted ‘funny’]… Ted, I get the ‘impression’ that you’re here to save mankind…
B: Carole… You are ‘channeling’ actor Keanu Reeves in the film franchise “The Matrix” (1999-now)... In this ‘movie’, *both* of us will save our world - by writing a song to inspire everyone to be excellent to each other...
C: Good. The idea of humanity is exemplified by people like you two - who strive to bring positive change to the world.
T: We know that you have a concert tonight, BUT *if* you have a few minutes, we have a few questions for you…
C: Big fans, huh?
B: Yes… From San Dimas - near Los Angeles...
C: LA... Excellent place; I live there now…
T: We’re musicians… We want to know more about your creative process…
C: I'm happy to help you guys, but let’s be brief; I have 30 minutes, but not … 30 years…
B: Funny you should mention that time span…
T: BILL, Bill --- stick to the issue at hand…
B: Right... Carole, you’ve had a rough life recently, yet you are still optimistic; why?
C: Well, You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face, and show the world all the love in your heart… People will treat you better... You’ll find, yes you will… that everyone is beautiful -- IF you treat them with kindness…
T: WOW! VERY inspirational! Treat others as you want them to treat you…
B: One last question [points to a big commemorative poster on wall] the Woodstock music festival; 2 years ago, why didn't you perform there?
C: Good question… I wanted to go, but my divorce was still not completely settled – I just wasn't in a good place… personally and professionally…
I’m better now, and ‘Tapestry’ [holds up, or points to the LP] - released just 4 months ago - is the result of my growth since the 60's…
In fact, tonight will be the first time i will ever play my own music in a public concert performance...
[Thinking] I’ve seen the 1970 documentary movie about the Woodstock Festival. It looked like a wonderful event…
Guys, since you live in southern California, you may not know that Upstate New York is also beautiful... I grew up in New York City, and my family went on vacations in the area where the Festival was eventually held…
In the summer, there are green fields and rolling hills; room enough to do whatever you want to --- even hold an open-air concert for half a million people…
T: Carole, what you just said to us sounds – to me - like it could be the beginning lyrics of a new song!
C: [on her piano] - {Starts to compose the first verses of “Been to Canaan” (It was released on an album in 1972)}
[Accompanied by Bill & Ted on base guitar, bongo drums & background harmony]
[I need to have Carole create - and sing - the entire song here]
[a colorful blur appears around them; make them seem to sort of be on the empty lawn at Bethel Woods, NY]
“Green fields and rolling hills; Room enough to … do what we will…
[Carole occasionally pauses momentarily; then continues to create; this happens again and again - to emphasize the fact that the song is being created in real time - not being played from memory]
Sweet dreams of yester-time; are running through my mind… of a place I left behind…
Been so long… I can’t remember when… I’ve been to Canaan – and I ‘wana to go back again…”
[When done, Carole stops composing, and returns her attention back to the two men in the real world of 1971]
[the colorful blur – and empty lawn ‘surroundings’ at Bethel Woods, NY surrounding them - quickly fades out]
B: HOW --- HOW the heck do you do that?
C: Bill, this is not ‘gonna make any sense to you, but, in my mind, I ‘visit’ the ‘Library of Human Imagination’ !
T: We actually DO understand you, Carole !
B: In fact, we plan to be there later today...
[Carole looks at the two men with a 'knowing' look]
C: Guys, you will find the place excellent - once you get there...
Say… Since you inspired ME to write a new song, the least that I can do is to offer you two tickets to my concert tonight…
T: Thanks!
B: Yes, thank you very much…
T: Would you mind if we sent our daughters – instead of us?
We both have one... they’re also big fans, and we ‘owe’ them for helping us with OUR songwriting...
C: Sure… i have TWO daughters... i understand how special they must be to you...
B: [shakes hands] Goodbye, Carole...
T: [shakes hands] Thank you for your time - and for creating another amazing song!
C: Well, good luck with your new song; I hope that it’s a hit!
NOTES - and Reference URL Information:
The door opens… Security wasn’t tight back in 1971, so Bill & Ted are able to see Carole King without much difficulty.
Once you get there… for my plot, everyone’s access method is unique, so no one else can get Bill & Ted to the Library; they have to find - and get there their own way.
'It shook me to my core': 50 years of Carole King's Tapestry - 2021 post
Creative Process: Legendary Songwriter Carole King on Inspiration vs. Perspiration and How to Overcome Creative Block
Reflecting on how her beloved song “You’ve Got a Friend” came to be, King counters the popular contemporary mythology that “inspiration” is nothing but the steady application of perspiration and echoes T.S. Eliot’s notion of the mystical quality of creativity, telling Zollo:
That song was as close to pure inspiration as I’ve ever experienced. The song wrote itself. It was written by something outside of myself through me… It happens from time to time in part. That song is one of the examples of that process where it was almost completely written by inspiration and very little if any perspiration.
Rough Life:
Making ‘Beautiful’ music: Real-life couple behind musical’s characters reflect on Carole King and their career - Thu., Nov. 3, 2016
The Carole King; "Tapestry"; album cover photo with her cat (see above) was taken at her house in 1971; address: 8857 Wonderland Ave,?LA 90046
Masters of Love: Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity. - By?Emily Esfahani Smith
Tapestry (1971) LP Album:
Been to Canaan (1972 song):
Beautiful (1971 song):
first concert performance: The Carnegie Hall Concert on June 18, 1971 was Carole King's first concert performance in front of an audience.,_1971
A Natural Woman: The Multi-Talented Carole King
Woodstock Festival (in August of 1969):
1970 documentary movie about the Woodstock Festival:
TWO daughters:
[Note that her third daughter, Molly, was not born until December 31, 1971]
The Meaning Behind Christine McVie’s “Spiritual” Fleetwood Mac Song “Songbird”
Waking from her sleep one night in the apartment she shared with bandmate Stevie Nicks, “Songbird”?popped into Christine McVie’s head around 3:30 in the morning as if she was being “visited” by someone, or something.
“I woke up in the middle of the night and the song just came into my head,” said McVie of Fleetwood Mac’s classic Rumours ballad. “I got out of bed, played it on the little piano I have in my room, and sang it with no tape recorder. I sang it from beginning to end: everything.” She added, “I can’t tell you quite how I felt. It was as if I’d been visited. It was a very spiritual thing. I was frightened to play it again in case I’d forgotten it.”