The Bill of Responsibilities – Day 4
I will post each of the pledges that will bind us together as a people, solidify our culture, and set the stage for our future. I would suggest that if you agree with each responsibility, please like or comment. Then, publish The Bill of Responsibilities on LinkedIn and Facebook.
The Bill of Responsibilities
We the people do hereby declare not only our rights, but do now establish this bill of responsibilities.
4. Because I have the right to pursue happiness, I have the responsibility to show humility and express gratitude for all the blessings I enjoy and the rights I’ve been given.
Unconditionally, while maintaining my responsibility to compassionately yet fiercely stand against those things that decay the natural rights of all men. And for the support of this declaration, and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor
Never Again is Now
Mercury One Charlotte