Bill of lading for return of 376 Abbott stents falsely represented as Palmaz Sci stents--SEVEN human had already been implanted with mixed up stents
What is the law regarding obtaining commercially available Class III (3) Medical devices, adulterated and shipping them out the United States to be placed into human beings, or importing them back in?

Bill of lading for return of 376 Abbott stents falsely represented as Palmaz Sci stents--SEVEN human had already been implanted with mixed up stents

Solomon's affidavit to the Colombian government, lying to them that the adulterated Abbott Labs stents were really Palmaz Scientific stents.....let's ask Solomon WHO downloaded the Abbott registration data on April 29, 2013 from the FDA site and attached that to packet containing the fraudulent Solomon certification to the the Colombian government that the Abbott stents including adulterated and non adulterated control devices were Palmaz Scientific stents....The Abbott pages below are screenshots and I apologize for the reverse can see at the bottom of each page the day this printout was downloaded from the internet.....that day is April 29, 2013...but boy, guess what is NOT attached--yep, you guessed it--there is NO FDA download sheet printed and attached for a company called Palmaz Scientific. No, there is not. There is NO FDA download and printed out and attached for the company Advanced Bio Prosthetic Surfaces (ABPS) that Solomon claimed to investors that Palmaz Scientific was the successor to Advanced Bio Prosthetic Surfaces. As it turned out, ABPS was never shut down, no sireeee.

So, why form Palmaz Scientific at all? Why not just tell investors that ABPS was around since 1999 and that you should invest in it, ABPS? Why form Palmaz Scientific at all? DUH, we don't need Inspector Clouseau for this one. You'll draw your own conclusions from my next posts.

Let's get back to the clinicals. According to a source, Solomon sure was in a hurry to get that clinical trial finished. After all, according to a source he was to allegedly to get a $6M bonus when the trial finished and the results published! Really? The investors including the state of Texas who plowed $3M of our taxpayer money into this that were not told that at all, ever, that Solomon would get ANY bonus for finishing a clinical trial...8 years of clueless investors plowing tens of millions of dollars into Palmaz Scientific, whose main asset was the name Palmaz, manufactured nothing and was run by an uneducated disgraced former broker named Steven Brett Solomon, and whom Julio Palmaz allowed to be involved in a critical process where a clinical trial was conducted involving at least 40 critically ill human lives at stake, allegedly mostly allegedly impoverished Latino human beings... ....made me start thinking...about motive...about that alleged bonus to Solomon when the company was, and had been, clearly insolvent. Was the trial to shut up complaining investors demanding to know where their money was and when the company would be public? Or was there another motive? Was what I was told true? Who would pay such a bonus? What other motive could there be....And then I typed in...clinical trials....grants....Colombia....million...2015 (2015 is the year when the clinical trial results of the Abbott stent falsely represented as Palmaz Scientific were published.)

And as it turned out, the country of Colombia is trying to grow its clinical trial business and get itself upgraded to a modern medicine country. The country of Colombia just happened to be handing out, in 2015, $150M for clinical trials, with specific interest in CARDIOLOGY trials.....

Search Results

Why Trials in Colombia - Interventional Concepts


Colombia — with a population of 50 millions— offers fast regulatory approval, ... of Colombian citizens have health insurance), an already strong clinical trial ... the amount invested and qualify for over $150 million available for grants in 2015 .

Who in South America, at the time this trial was set up, would question a clinical trial being conducted by a company with then rockstar Julio Palmaz's name on it.....the second from the right is Julio. To his right (or your left as you look) is Dr. Juan Granada who the Palmaz folks wanted to produce as a witness against me, a person he has never met or spoken to. I have never spoken or met Dr. Granada. Juan Granada should not know who I am. Period. So why would he be produced as a witness against me, a person he has never met or spoken to? But here he is, alongside Julio, for the start of the clinical trial. He's the fourth guy from the left with the pinkish tie on. This picture was taken from a news release the hospital put out to celebrate the first implantation of the Palmaz Mach stent! was not a Palmaz stent. It was an Abbott stent.

Kind of a compliment to Abbott, I suppose, that Julio thought their stents were the best.

I thought it was odd that no one from Abbott was in the picture, so I wondered why. Julio's not looking particularly happy while everyone else does. Hmmm....

And imagine my surprise to to learn that THAT SOMEONE downloaded, and attached to Solomon's certification falsely telling the Colombian government the stents were all Palmaz Scientific Mach stents, the FDA registration for Abbott. Downloaded from the internet and handed off to the Colombian government alongside Solomon's affidavit claiming the stents were all Palmaz Scientific, when in fact all stents used in the trial were Abbott stents. And a large part of those were adulterated on instructions from the Palmaz crew, shipped out of the US and placed into human beings.

And, don't forget, according to the trustee Solomon turned in wiped computers. The trustee says Solomon IMMEDIATELY wiped the computers right after he resigned, which was purportedly late July 2015, and purportedly and allegedly right after Solomon and his bff Connelly procured the 2015 $20M of d&o insurance that is currently being litigated in federal court.

Milo Segner, the trustee, is a very smart man.

From Segner's intervenor filing, asking for a jury instruction on evidence spoilage based on Solomon's wiping of the computers:

Despite being under a preservation demand, of course it makes sense Solomon needed to immediately wipe the computers, given what he was really spending his time doing--a bunch of completely unrelated reverse merger pump and dumps with a ton of money he didnt have at the start of governing the piggy bank called Palmaz Scientific investor funds...for example, a company called Blue Calypso that he funded, turned into a pump and dump who then retained Tom Melsheimer of Fish and Richardson to do a patent troll play over in the Eastern District.....and there was also that pesky little detail of the clinical trial where Abbott stents were used, and falsely represented to be Palmaz Scientific stents.....what was Solomon's motive in ERASING evidence he was required to preserve? Those irritating downloads and searches that might have shown up on the computers....and what about those PPMs that said Jefferies on them that Jefferies now says they had no clue Solomon used after they, Jefferies, pulled the plug....

More importantly than stealing someones money is stealing their life. Do you really think Abbott labs, after paying over a billion bucks in FDA fines, would log onto the FDA website to down load their own info? And allow an uneducated reverse merger disgraced former boiler room broker to SUPERVISE a clinical trial of over 40 human beings implanted with ADULTERATED versions of their then commercially sold classIII medical devices, without bothering to mention it to the FDA? ?

Please tell me your IQ is above 60.

But don't worry--we will be subpoenaing Abbott personnel to get to the bottom of Steven Brett Solomon's crimes.

For me, as an old mama who was very sick has survived cancer, and an ex-husband funded by his mommy who sued me into poverty from which I was the extremely rare and very lucky exception to rebound like a phoenix from the grave, I am completely appalled. To me this is one of the most serious healthcare fraud issues I have ever witnessed. This is not just a securities fraud issue to me. This is not about $50M that Solomon and Palmaz refuse to show bank records for, this is not just about their buddy attorney Davis with the how many permits for how many additions to his house, and his ridiculous 75 Lincoln; this is not about the CattleBaron chair's hubby who reinvented his life in Dallas and is pretending to be something he is not. We all know he is a thief, a con artist and I can prove he is a liar. And someone else clearly thought Solomon is a bad seed because that writer on the genealogy link below posted that Solomon is a "thief." That's a word older people use. You and I would say, "he's a fuc*ing scumbag" but someone elderly would say, "he's a thief!" or "he's a scoundrel!" And do you know Solomon actually lied in an affidavit that whistleblower me is so incredibly brilliant that I was able to hack into and edit his name to "thief" instead of using the superior hacking skills he claims I have to hack into analyst reports at Goldman, because you know, my life would revolve around going onto genealogy and editing a reference like that. For the record, I found this when I wondered what kind of family Solomon had, and how he turned out to be the criminal he is.

HAROLD SOLOMON was born 25 Oct 1925 in NEW YORK, NEW YORK, and died 07 Aug 1999 in DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA.He married MARION GAYER, daughter of LEON GAYER and MINNIE BERMAN.

  1. Children of HAROLD SOLOMON and MARION GAYER are:PAUL SOLOMON, b. 19 Feb 1954, CHICAGO, IL.
  2. CRAIG SOLOMON, b. 07 Jun 1957, NEW YORK, NEW YORK.
  3. EVAN SOLOMON, b. 07 Apr 1962, NEW YORK, NEW YORK.
  4. THIEF SOLOMON, b. 24 Oct 1964, NEW YORK, NEW YORK.

To me, this case is about human lives. At least 40 human lives as shown in the trial results claiming not one human died and portraying Palmaz Scientific as amazing, and published to an international cardiology audience on or about October 12, 2015.

No one died? Really? Tell that to this patients family because non-CV deaths are required to be reported. ALL deaths in a clinical trial, regardless of reason, must be accounted for in trial results. Here's at least one confirmed death in the Palmaz Scientific that was not disclosed:

When 3 men showed up at my son's house where I was staying on June 9, 2015-in a Brooklyn rental car, shortly before the prior paragraph behavior occured, I REALLY wondered what was really going on. Especially given the plates on the rental Nissan they were in were in reality registered to a Ford Focus. I went OMG what did I stumble into. I just had no clue what we would stumble into. The Duckhunter guy is very creepy looking, isn't he. This pic was taken at 4:47 at a house 18 miles from the airport. The car was returned to the airport, and exchanged for a different car that was then driven to a "one way drop off" 246 miles away.

By the way, it was 102 degrees that day, and the house we were at is a beach house. Do these men look dressed for the beach?


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