Bill Jensen on Simplicity
?? Michael Bungay Stanier
Author of *The Coaching Habit* (1 million+ sold), *How to Work with (Almost) Anyone* & more ? I help people unlock greatness: theirs and others' ? #1 thought leader on coaching ?Top rated keynote speaker ? Rhodes Scholar
In The Simplicity Survival Handbook, Bill Jensen offers up — in a way that is practical and easy to read — strategies for doing less but accomplishing more. Bill was one of my very first Great Work Podcast interviews, so it’s appropriate that our conversation close out the #GWP300 celebration. It’s an excellent reflection on how to strip down to what is essential and focus on what matters — a topic still highly relevant seven years later.
What’s your favourite line or takeaway? Share it by either commenting below or tweeting me @BoxofCrayons with the hashtag #GWP300 for your chance to receive a gift from me. We’ll be randomly selecting 10 participants and sending them a coupon for a free ebook version of The Coaching Habit.
In this interview Bill and I tackle:
- Why editing is a critical skill in today’s world.
- How to use a courage meter.
- Why 1440 is the most important number you need to know.
- Plus, advice on who should mentor you.
If you are looking for tips on how to simplify your life and focus on your true purpose, this interview is for you. Be sure, too, to visit Bill’s website Simpler Work. You’ll also find Bill on Twitter @SimpletonBill.
Bookmark it here to listen to later. Don’t forget to rate this podcast on iTunes.
Interview Highlights
0:16 Michael introduces Bill Jensen (aka “Mr. Simplicity”)
1:15 Books written by Bill Jensen
8:17 Why editing is a critical skill in today’s world
9:43 Two core skills we all have to have
10:37 Why 1440 is the most important number you need to know
15:18 How to use a courage meter
21:17 Advice on who should mentor you
22:15 If you could do just one thing to help get closer to Great Work – know, feel, do
25:25 What Bill is doing now
26:47 How to find out more about Bill Jensen and his work
27:34 Michael closes the interview
- Kristoffer KC Carter on Finding a Fully Integrated Life
- Dan Siegel on Integration
- Gina Trapani on Choices
- Robert Biswas-Diener on Courage
Michael Bungay Stanier is the Senior Partner and Founder of Box of Crayons, a company that helps people and organizations do less Good Work and more Great Work. They're best known from their coaching programs that give busy managers the tools to coach in 10 minutes or less.
Download free chapters of Michael's latest book The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever here.
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