Bill Gates said, "Content is king."
In-Person and Online Senior Consultant for C-Suite, Talent Management Problems, Key Opinion Leadership Services and On-Board improvement Services.
Though, every one of us is not Bill Gates. But as we are professionals, how can be we sumptuous about his saying in general parley?
I am presenting the above designed pictorial depiction as my Ad and a mini-case study for viewers' perusal.
“As a Consultant, my idea is to build the relationship, professional culture and trust with clients. Naturally, my Ad is centered on "Self-Marketing". Self-marketing suggests some choices, and gentle persuasion, two pivotal factors.
If I break up my above Idea and link-up with a pictorial depiction, the reader can detect (1) Relationship (2) Culture (3) Trust (4) Choice (5) Persuasion.????
Emerging "Trust" is not immediate; trust builds on a gathering of "Facts". With Facts, It takes the timeline phase to test my endurance, and "attitude" at how I accept criticism and tantrums from clients.
The above said “traits” are fit into niche of my earlier article characteristics of designing an Ad.
I am opening up a nascent psychological communication with non-verbal print media viewers or Interested Professionals with a picture to visit me and get acquainted to know "Facts" above me (referrals) and my "Attitude"
Attitude is the paintbrush of my mind; the visitors can read me and my attitude.
They can also gauge my Professional Culture personally as to how I speak and behave.
My future strategy is that I shall call on every Visitor, periodically with their prior consent. Just "First Visit” is to break the ice and a breakthrough as “atomic particle" to bind paving a path for the upcoming association.?
In simple, self-marketing reveals that “I exist as a Good Consultant”. But whereas, my Content marketing is relevant and shows the world that I am at my "Best".
With this article, I am opening up Ad-Tips to juvenile novices. ?Juveniles can't reject me. They can use my tips in the turnover cycle of practice and generating Ads.
"Use an AIDA Headline and seize viewer Attention."