Bill 1557 - Parental Rights in Education
An Goldbauer, Ph.D
Clinical Sexologist | Sexual Health Educator | Human Trafficking Expert | Host of The Umbrella Hour
Florida Legislature passed the Parental Rights in Education Law. Is this a good thing?
Quagmire happens when we avoid topics necessary to promote healthily and age-appropriate conversations within our curriculum. Instead, we opt for didactic selected subjects that erase the opportunities and realities for many kids, youth, and families, which HB1557 will do.
This is Governor's DeSantis "Don't Say Gay bill" that will place students in harm's way.
A first grader needs to feel safe around peers who learn about the student’s family and not just in the context of what it means to be Black, Jewish, or Muslim - but in what it means to be a rainbow family.
We have for years watched our school systems practice cognitive dissonance when administration and teachers hold two conflicting values. On the one hand, schools go to great lengths to keep the students safe, while on the other hand, that is not the message for those who fall under the rainbow, including their family members.
The State of Florida also requires a human trafficking curriculum for K-12. This curriculum, by design, addresses vulnerable populations. One of these populations are children, youth, and school-aged young adults who are LGBTQIA+ and don't necessarily feel safe at home or supported by their families. How does the administration overseeing Duval County Public schools plan on addressing this population K-12 in this curriculum?
If May is Mental Health Month in Duval County Public schools, I strongly implore the administration to consider that this will not be possible with HB1557.
Kids, youth, and young adults have tremendous fortitude to build resilience, but many get bullied when they cannot find safe spaces. Students and Teachers cannot even begin to know how to navigate a landscape strictly enforced by HB1557.?
K- 3rd graders may have two moms, two dads, a trans dad, or a trans mom.?
We coexist in a multi-cultural, diverse society; it’s more important than ever for teachers to have the liberty to narrow the gap between teachers and students in addressing the LGBTQIA+ culture within their curriculum with the support and backing of the administration. When you shut that out - you close the door, and once the door is closed - you segregate populations.?
LGBTQIA+ populations exist and not only exist but coexist. Teaching material K-12 that incorporates cultural diversity helps students become empathetic and understand their LGBTQIA peers and their rainbow families so that these students can feel confident, safe, and valued. When there is silence, there is stigma. Stigma and shame go hand in hand. There is a lack of acceptance where there is shame.
Administration can shape a different world for students. One in which all students feel welcome and safe.