The Bikeriders    *****

The Bikeriders *****

Starring : Jodie Comer, Austin Butler, Tom Hardy, Michael Shannon, Mike Faist, Norman Reedus, Boyd Holbrook, Damon Herriman, Beau Knapp, Emory Cohen, Karl Glusman, Toby Wallace, Happy Anderson, Paul Sparks and Will Oldham

Director : Jeff Nichols

Duration Running Time : (approx) : 1 Hour 56 Minutes (116 Mins)

Certification Rating Certificate : 15

Distribution : Universal Pictures (UK) - (A Comcast Company), Focus Features (A Comcast Company), Regency Enterprises, New Regency, Tri-State Pictures

The history of the 'BIKER MOVIES' is quite fascinating, with a unique rich legacy dating back several decades.

'MOTORCYCLE MOVIES' in question, have in fact been on the scene for over 'half a century' - ie : 'FIFTY YEARS'.

So let's take a look and find out for ourselves.

A: 1: 'EARLY CINEMA' - ( just before 1960) : It was back in 1905 that 'A MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE' directed by Alf Collins, was simply classed as a 'SHORT FILM' - and also became 'THE FIRST FILM EVER TO FEATURE A MOTORCYCLE' - in both - 'THE ORIGINAL TITLE' and also 'THE STORYLINE'.

2 : The 1950's in question saw movies such as 'THE WILD ONE' (1953), described as 'A CRIME FILM' - and directed by Lazslo Benedek, and also produced by Stanley Kramer.

The film in question is most noted for the character of Johnny Strabler - portrayed by Marlon Brando - whose 'PERSONA' - had become a cultural icon of the 1950's.

'THE WILD ONE' in question, is considered to be classed as 'THE ORIGINAL OUTLAW BIKER FILM' and also the 'FIRST' to examine American ''OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG'' violence, and also the supporting cast of this features Lee Marvin as 'Chino', the truculent leader of the motorcycle gang - ''THE BEETLES''.

The film's screenplay in question, was 'BASED ON' Frank Rooney's 'SHORT-STORY' - ''CYCLIST'S' RAID'', which was originally published in the January 1951 'HARPER'S MAGAZINE' ( this is classed as 'A MONTHLY MAGAZINE' of 'LITERATURE', 'POLITICS', 'CULTURE', 'FINANCE' and also 'THE ARTS' - The magazine was originally 'LAUNCHED' in New York City back in June 1850, - it is also 'THE OLDEST AND ALSO THE CONTINUOUSLY PUBLISHED MONTHLY MAGAZINE' in the United States - and also that this 'MONTHLY MAGAZINE' in question - has 'WON AT LEAST 'TWENTY-TWO' NATIONAL MAGAZINE AWARDS' alone), and also anthologised in 'THE BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES' 1952, - (this is in fact classed as a 'YEARLY ANTHOLOGY' - which is also - a part of 'THE BEST AMERICAN SERIES' -originally published by 'HOUGHTON MIFFEN HARCOURT'. Since 1915, the 'B.A.S.S.' anthology has in fact striven to contain the 'BEST SHORT STORIES' by some of the 'BEST KNOWN WRITERS' in a contemporary American literature.

Now Rooney's story, in question, was originally inspired by a sensationalistic 'MEDIA COVERAGE' of an 'AMERICAN MOTORCYCLIST ASSOCIATION' -'AMA' - motorcycle rally that originally 'GOT OUT OF HAND' on the 'FOURTH OF JULY' weekend in 1947, and situated in Hollister, California.

The 'OVERCROWDING', 'DRINKING', and also 'STREET-STUNTING' were given 'NATIONAL ATTENTION' in the July 21, 1947, issue of 'LIFE' (this is also an American magazine published 'WEEKLY' from 1883 -1972, as an INTERMITTENT 'SPECIAL' until 1978, - a 'MONTHLY' from 1978-2000, and also 'AN ONLINE SUPPLEMENT' since 2008.

During its 'GOLDEN AGE' from 1936 -1978 - 'FORTY-TWO YEARS' - 'LIFE' - was in fact - 'A WIDE-RANGING WEEKLY GENERAL-INTEREST MAGAZINE' - that's uniquely known for 'THE QUALITY OF ITS PHOTOGRAPHY', and was also 'ONE OF THE NATION'S MOST POPULAR MAGAZINES, REGULARLY REACHING AT LEAST 'ONE-QUARTER' of the population), with the 'POSSIBLY-STAGED' photograph of a 'WILD-DRUNKEN MAN' on a motorcycle.

But also that 'THE EVENTS' conflated with the 'NEWSPAPER and also MAGAZINE' reports, Rooney's 'SHORT-STORY' and also 'THE WILD ONE' - the film - are also part of 'THE LEGEND OF THE HOLLISTER RIOT'.

Then there was also other film titles such as 'MOTORCYCLE GANG' (1957) , which is in fact - 'A SEMI -REMAKE' of 'DRAGSTRIP GIRL' directed by Edward L.Cahn, and featuring John Ashley - in his 'FIRST LEADING ROLE' - the film in question - was released by -'AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURES' - 'A.I.P.' - as a - 'DOUBLE-FEATURE' - with - 'SORORITY GIRL' (also 1957) directed by Roger Corman, and featuring Susan Cabot, and also there was 'THE HOT ANGEL' (1958), directed by Joe Parker, and also written by Stanley Kallis.

B: 'THE 1960'S' : The 60's also marked a surge of 'BIKER FILMS' - which included the following movies :

1 : 'THE WILD ANGELS'(1966) - Produced and directed by Roger Corman - again - written by Charles B.Griffith and also Peter Bogdanovich (uncredited) - and featuring Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra - (daughter of Frank) with Bruce Dern and also Diane Ladd, - both Dern and Ladd married in 1960, their first daughter, Diane Elizabeth Dern, (born November 29, 1960),subsequently died from 'head injuries' after falling into a swimming pool on May 18, 1962, while Laura Elizabeth Dern (born February 10, 1967), an actress, and also the couple's 'SECOND' daughter, however after Dern divorced Ladd in 1969, Dern had married to Andrea Beckett, on October 20, 1969, in Carson City, Nevada.

2 : 'EASY RIDER' (1969) - Directed by Dennis Hopper, Produced by Peter Fonda, and also written by Hopper, Fonda, and also Terry Southern - this is classed as an American Independent 'ROAD MOVIE' drama featuring Hopper and Fonda as Wyatt 'nicknamed' Captain America and Billy - two bikers who travel through the American Southwest and South, carrying the proceeds from a cocaine deal.

The success of 'EASY RIDER' had helped 'SPARKED THE NEW HOLLYWOOD ERA' of filmmaking during the early 1970's.

This was after all classed as not only 'A LANDMARK COUNTERCULTURE FILM' and also 'A TOUCHSTONE FOR A GENERATION - THAT CAPTURED THE NATIONAL IMAGINATION' - for this film - in question -also explores many themes by exploring the societal landscape, issues, and also the tensions towards the adolescents in the United States alone during the 1960's, like the rise of the hippie movement, drug use, and also the communal lifestyle - but also the fact that 'REAL DRUGS WERE ALSO USED IN THE SCENES THROUGHOUT - BY SIMPLY SHOWING THE USE OF MARIJUANA - AND ALSO THE USE OF OTHER SUBSTANCES' - as well.

The film which opened on May 12, 1969, in Cannes, France, was nominated for the Palme d'Or - but also won an award for 'BEST FIRST WORK' for Hopper, it was also 'NOMINATED FOR TWO ACADEMY AWARDS' -notably 'BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY' - Fonda, Hopper, and Southern, as well as a 'BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR' nomination for Jack Nicholson as George Hanson - the film opened in the US -on July 14, 1969.

Then there was 'THE BORN LOSERS' (1967), two years earlier - directed by T.C. Frank, and featuring Thomas Robert Laughlin Jr, as Billy Jack, - a half Indian Green Beret Vietnam veteran.

Since 1954, Laughlin, in question, had been trying to produce his 'BILLY JACK SCRIPT' ABOUT 'THE DISCRIMINATION TOWARD - 'THE AMERICAN INDIANS'.

It was during the 1960's, that he'd decided to use the 'CHARACTER OF BILLY JACK' in question, in a quickly 'written script' that was originally designed to capitalise on the 'then-popular trend' in motorcycle gang movies.


This was followed by 'HELL'S ANGELS ON WHEELS' (1967), directed by Richard Rush, and featured Adam Roarke, Jack Nicholson -again - and also Sabrina Scharf - the plot of which tells the story of a gas-station attendant, with a bad attitude who finds life more exciting - after he is allowed to 'hang-out' with a chapter of the 'HELLS ANGELS OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE CLUB', and also 'THE REBEL ROUSERS' (1967), directed by Martin B.Cohen and featuring Cameron Mitchell (no relation -only by surname only) with Jack Nicholson, Diane Ladd, Bruce Dern and also Harry Dean Stanton - originally filmed in 1967, - it did not 'RECEIVE A FILM RELEASE DATE' until 1970, following the release of 'EASY RIDER' (1969), - it is also 'ONE OF SEVERAL MOTORCYCLE GANG FILMS - OF THE PERIOD' featuring Nicholson, Dern and also Stanton, - it is also Cohen's only directorial debut - which he co-written, produced and also directed as well.

But also that the Japanese cinema -in question - had in fact -continued with 'THE ALLEYCAT ROCK' SERIES OF MOVIES - also these films in question -captured themes - including the 'FREEDOM', 'REBELLION' - and also the 'THRILLING' rides.

C: 'THE 1970'S': - The trend in question -also continued with films such as 'ANGEL UNCHAINED' (1970) - (aka 'HELL'S ANGELS UNCHAINED) - this is an action thriller film -directed by Lee Madden - and featuring Don Stroud as Angel - the title character of the film - and also 'BIGFOOT' (1970) - directed by Robert F. Slatzer , and also produced by Anthony Cardoza, - the film features stars - or even -co-stars - a few well known actors - including John Carradine, Chris Mitchum, Joi Lansing, Ken Maynard, Doodles Weaver, and also Lindsay Crosby.

This 'exploitation' film - in question - attempts to 'transform the Pacific Northwest Sasquatch - 'MAN-BEAST' - into 'AN OLD-FASHIONED MOVIE MONSTER' - 'AKA' - 'KING KONG.

But also 'THE BIKER MOVIES' - in question - had in fact often featured - 'REBELLIOUS CHARACTERS'- and also 'THE MOTORCYCLE GANGS' - that were featured in movies.

Now in 2024, we have “THE BIKERIDERS’ from Jeff Nichols, an American filmmaker, and also a screenwriter, his films in question, are in fact characterised by their Southern United States backdrop and also ambience, but that Nichols, in question, is also known for his collaboration with American actor Michael Shannon, who has appeared in all of his films - notably - 'SHOTGUN STORIES' (2007), 'TAKE SHELTER' (2011), 'MUD' (2012), 'MIDNIGHT SPECIAL' (2016), and also 'LOVING' (also 2016 - and that this is available on 'NETFLIX'), this is inspired from a photo book of the same name originally published back in 1967, by Danny Lyon, an American photographer and also a filmmaker.

Lyon, in question, apart from being an American photographer and filmmaker, is also known for his journalistic interest in 'socioeconomic', 'counter-cultural', and also 'civil-right issues'.

His work is characterised by the style of photographic 'NEW JOURNALISM' where he also 'IMMERSES HIMSELF IN' and also becomes a 'PARTICIPANT' in the unique subjects that -'HE DOCUMENTS'.

But also that Lyon in question,- is in fact - 'THE FOUNDING MEMBER' of 'BLACK BEAUTY' - the publishing group.

Notably Lyon was also the photographer for the 'STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE' ('S.N.C.C.') during the 'CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT' - capturing - 'MAJOR HISTORICAL EVENTS'.


Lyon's impactful projects include the following : 'THE BIKERIDERS', 'THE DESTRUCTION OF LOWER MANHATTAN', and also 'CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD' - among others, but also that if you're interested in his works - and also learning more - then you can explore his website at - .

Lyon also significantly influenced 'THE FIELD OF PHOTOGRAPHY' - through his unique approach and also his impactful work.

Here are some ways in which he made an impact:

A: 'NEW JOURNALISM STYLE' : Lyon had originally 'PIONEERED' the use of a journalistic approach in photography, known as - 'NEW JOURNALISM'.


His work in general - 'BLURRED THE LINES' - between 'OBSERVER' - and also 'PARTICIPANT'.


His 'PHOTOGRAPHS' had provided - 'A POWERFUL VISUAL RECORD' - of the struggle - for 'RACIAL EQUALITY' and also 'JUSTICE'.

C: 'HUMANIZING MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES' : Lyon's projects such as - 'THE BIKERIDERS' and also 'CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD', had in fact - humanised 'marginalised communities'.

He portrayed bikers, prisoners, and also the other outsiders, - with empathy, challenging many stereotypes - and also revealing their humanity.


His books in general - had in fact - 'COMBINED IMAGES' with 'PERSONAL NARRATIVES', which therefore had created as - 'A STORYTELLING EXPERIENCE'.

His unique approach had in fact 'INFLUENCED SUBSEQUENT GENERATIONS' of 'PHOTOGRAPHERS' and also other 'ARTISTS'.

In summary, Lyon's original works - had in fact - 'PUSHED THE MANY BOUNDARIES' of 'DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY', emphasising the many themes including 'authenticity', 'empathy' and also 'social justice'.

His unique legacy continues to inspire the many photographers and also the storytellers today.

And now for the synopsis of the story that I'm about to tell you - that also delves into the world of a 1960's 'MIDWESTERN MOTORCYCLE CLUB' simply called as 'THE VANDALS'.

It is there that we as - 'THE MOVIE AUDIENCE - see through the unique 'eyes' of Kathy Cross (nee - Bauer - her original surname - Comer ), that the movie in question, explores the club's transformation - from a group of 'LOCAL OUTSIDERS' - to a 'DANGEROUS GANG'.

Incidentally, the film - in question - draws inspiration from Danny Lyon's book 'OF THE SAME NAME' - and which also 'DOCUMENTED' Lyon's infiltration into the world of 'MIDWEST BIKER CLUBS' - between 1965 -1973.

Our story in question, centers around Benny Cross (Butler), a biker who has rugged features - and also a 'SKULL INSIGNIA' - on his prized jacket - which by signifying on his 'MEMBERSHIP' in the 'CHICAGO VANDALS' club.

Meanwhile, Kathy, who happens to be an outsider in question, to this society, soon becomes immediately attracted to what Benny actually represents: 'FREEDOM'.

But also as the film unfolds, we as 'THE MOVIE AUDIENCE' - is that we also meet other 'CLUB MEMBERS' throughout - including the level-headed Brucie (Herriman), the gear-headed Cal (Holbrook), beefy Cockroach (Cohen), Funny Sonny, (Reedus), described as a Californian recruit, dependable foot soldiers of the gang - notably Corky (Glusman), plus Wahoo (Knapp), and also an unstable Latvian named Zipco (Shannon).

And then there's Johnny Davis (Hardy), a truck driver, family man and also described as the tough original founder of the Vandals motorcycle club, who also had an epiphany in question by simply watching Marlon Brando in 'THE WILD ONES' on 'TV'; as the film's whole approach in laying out his own life circumstances is to also imagine a unique answer to Brando's 'famous reply' to being asked what he's rebelling against : - what do you got ? - but that his unique quest for simple cameraderie spirals into something that's far more hellish - that they in question become family.

However, unlike the heroes of 'EASY RIDER' (1969), directed by and also featuring Mr Hopper, - this is in fact - a movie - and which this is to at least provide employment for just 'one of the group' - 'THE BIKERIDERS' - in question - have either no end - or even a unique quest in view - as they just drift around - assemble for ''picnics'' that are located around in green spaces, they also churn into plenty of mud during races - and also get involved into plenty of fights (as you do) with other gangs - and also with whom - that they later cordially have a few beers.

But also that a lot of their time is spent over catatonically hanging out at a bar - and also that in which - ''THERE IS A BIG DISCUSSION'' - about 'the many costs' that are involved (talk about the cost of living that affects us all - whether you like it - or maybe not) in installing a phone behind the bar - and also in which that their 'MEMBERSHIP SUBS' - would even entitled them - to use - on - 'CLUB BUSINESS'.

The film in question also explores their unique 'RISE' that's set in the suburbs, situated in Chicago, Illinois, - and that the 'VANDALS' in question - embodied a unique lifestyle - that also captivated many Americans during this period of the 1960's, but also that Lyon's legendary book (his character is portrayed by Faist) is documented their unique lives through striking black-and white photographs - and also offering a unique glimpse into a 'FREE SPIRITED WORLD - THAT'S TRANSFORMED INTO A 'TWO-WHEELED ADVENTURE' on 'THE OPEN ROAD.

This movie in question, is indeed, filmed as a 'MOCKUMENTARY', and also that there aren't any unique special effects -or even sophisticated editing, but also that the film was visually compelling - because it suited its story - and also that at the very heart of the narrative - this is such a unique story about the typical American who's searching out for a community during many uncertain times - and that the story - in question - just like the unique characters that it simply portrays - is really simple, - and that it's also concerning the simplicity of the people throughout - that also complements the sheer editing, the cinematography, the acting (by all concerned), and also the storyline, as well as the original music score, that brings the film to life.

This film has all the ingredients of a fast moving adventure - that has shades of 'GOODFELLAS' 1990, ( the movie -not the pizza product - also other pizza products - are also available) and also that while it aims to exist at the crossroads such as 'EASY RIDER' (1969) - that in question - leans toward the former - in terms of influence.

However, it doesn't delve into the broader sociopolitical events of the era -simply because the movie's aesthetics evoke the unique spirit of the 60's biker culture.

Given that the entire movie (with a unique running time lasting 1 HOUR 56 MINUTES - or even 116 Minutes - which is at least 'FOUR MINUTES SHORTER OF BECOMING A TWO HOUR MOVIE) and also the fact that this is also 'BASED ON THE MOTORCYCLE CLUB' itself, I personally think that it's only fair to discuss the development concerning the subject about 'THE VANDALS M.C.' as a unique character as well.

As you are aware that we all know how the 'MOTORCYCLE CLUB' in question - came to be; this was after all - 'A UNIQUE SOCIAL CLUB' - THAT'S DEDICATED TO ALL BIKE LOVERS.

'VANDALS M.C.' was indeed a special place to simply enjoy the company of all other men like themselves.

Between the 1960's/70's, amidst a backdrop of prevalent toxic masculinity, 'VANDALS M.C' stood as a rather (dare I say) cute concept - a unique space - where men could bond over many shared interests and also camaraderie.

However, when all is said and done, the movie's exploration of the American society, history, and also the culture involved had piqued my interests, but also that I found the themes of this film to be more profound - and also that the film in question - was more allegorical than I had expected because it was very heartwarming to see a movie about the motorbike enthusiasts bringing together a whole wave of unique people as they simply bonded over their shared love of the beloved motorcycles, and also that as I watched on the big screen (where it deserves to be seen - just for the unique - 'FULL-ON AND ALSO TURBO-CHARGED - CINEMA EXPERIENCE - which by the way - is - 'SIMPLY MIND-BLOWING' TO WATCH) as they fawned over - 'THE LIMITED-EDITION' - HYDRA-GLIDE REVIVAL motorcycle in person - and also laughed as they saw even hobbyists like themselves being represented on the big screen - and also that's when I personally had an epiphany - simply because that - 'THE BIKERIDERS' - in question - 'IS IN FACT' - 'A STORY OF BIKE RIDERS - FOR BIKE RIDERS'.

And so that in conclusion that whether you're drawn to the many gripping tales - involving the brotherhood and also the betrayal, fascinated by the American history, or even appreciate the authentic storytelling - then 'THE BIKERIDERS' - in question - promises to captivate the many - and also that with its compelling narrative, the poignant themes, and also the stellar performances throughout - that this film in question - offers a unique visceral glimpse into the tumultuous world of 'MOTORBIKE GANGS that are featured throughout in the 1960's'/1970's - so if I were you I would dress smartly donning your many leathers and drive on down to your movie theater - and see this classic movie.

This isn't just a summer blockbuster of a movie - it's also a season blockbuster of an absolute classic - and after you've seen this and you're out on the open road driving down and also seeing all the sights - it is no wonder that everything that we see - in our everyday lives - offers a unique perspective on love, rebellion - and also the open road - however, you also have a life - so enjoy it - and never destroy it - because this is a unique life that's simply worth living - and also the one thing in all our lives that we all love on this planet.



David M.G.Mitchell.

Gary H.

Managing Member @ MOTOTV Networks ? Executive Producer @ Garage Films

7 个月

Didn't do so well at box office. Missed a great op to promote it to a very targeted audience inside powersport dealers across the country on MOTOTV Networks

Laura Hankins

Residential and Commercial Sales Agent at eXp Realty, LLC

8 个月

Will be a good one David



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