Biggest Stories of the Week: Gundlach’s Predictions for 2023; RIA Jobs & What They Pay; Retirement Planning Moves That Can Yield Big Tax Savings
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Biggest Stories of the Week: Gundlach’s Predictions for 2023; RIA Jobs & What They Pay; Retirement Planning Moves That Can Yield Big Tax Savings

Looking to the year ahead, DoubleLine Capital CEO Jeffrey Gundlach warned that the U.S. was on "full-on recession watch" and likened cryptocurrencies to pet rocks. Meanwhile, Schwab revealed a trove of detailed RIA salary?data, and Ritholtz Wealth Management's chief financial officer, William Sweet, discussed some ways to optimize 401(k) withdrawals and minimize capital gains taxes that advisors' clients might not know about.

This is a shortened version of ThinkAdvisor's Most Read Stories of the Week email newsletter. Sign up here to get the full list in your inbox every Sunday.

Jeffrey Gundlach

10 of Jeffrey Gundlach’s Economic, Market Predictions for 2023

Man putting stacks of $100 bills into inside suit jacket

17 RIA Jobs and What They Pay

Jar labeled retirement filled with coins

4 Retirement Planning Moves That Can Yield Big Tax Savings

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