"If you focus on the little things, the big
things will take care of themselves.”
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?Joe Paterno
Dream big. Set goals. Why does it always have to be so extreme or
grandiose? Sometimes we need to cut out all this, win big or go home
mind set. Get the job done. Do your work. Pay attention to the details,
but it does not always need to be perfect, sometimes perfection is the
enemy of progress. Sometimes we just need to check off the boxes
and get the job done. The biggest goal of them all is getting the little
goals done. Getting the little jobs done. A masterpiece painting begins
with the first brushstroke. A 500-page novel begins with the first word.
Planning is good for sure, but sometimes maybe we just need to lace
up the shoes and get out the door. Create some stress, pressure, get
the work done, step by step, piece by piece, brick by brick. Create
your masterpiece one small step at a time.
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: