Biggest Problem is Obscurity or Self control is an illusion ?
Yathanshu Kothari
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What to do in Adverse situation:
- Confidence
- Optimism
- Tenacity
- Enthusiasm
Perform when it matters the most!
Good system drives success by following :
OKR- goal setting system
O- objective
KR- key results
Good ideas + Great execution = Magic
Ruthless Truth: When we don't have problems, we invents them.
Don't be just result oriented, be process oriented.
Why stories work ?
- Because we make them compelling,dynamic, and of course memorable.
- It is a common ground of relatability.
- Ignite the imagination & senses
- Reveal our priorities & sense of self as well as it is effective in conveying information & sometimes truth also !!!
- Easily remembered & it stimulates the power to inspire & also motivate others.
The three R'S can be as follows:
- Realize- Circumstances
- Remember- Details
- Recognize- Issues
It is through the quality of speech that we express our individuality which is our essence.
Humour weaved in the talks or incidences is welcomed as a surprise. Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.
Productivity = Time spent* Intensity of focus
Quote by Micheal Jordon : Get the fundamentals down & the level of everything you do will rise.
Hopelessness is the root of depression, mental illness & anxiety. Criticism is dangerous because it wounds a person's precious pride.
Japanese IKIGAI concept also states that :
What do we love ?
What are we good at ?
What can we be paid for ?
What does the world need ?
Develop positive emotions, change negative emotions. Purpose of life gives us destination, Gratitude is a way of life & the natural deposition.
Reprogramming the mind to think in abundance and be grateful for what you have & show gratitude for it.
Being dependent on one person or one solution for success is our fault. Winners bring in success from many different avenues. Those who use blame as a reason for not achieving success will never be successful. Victims thinking doesn't benefit any one. If you are willing to take credit when you win then you have to take responsibility when you loose also.
Praise the people for what they do rather than who they are !!!
The bitter truth is ;-
We all are egoistic and we are more interested in self.
Yathanshu Kothari