The Biggest Problem Facing Therapists
Jo Permaul
Director -Wellness Professionals at Work | Health and Life Coach, teacher, facilitator in Wellness, life and resilience coaching | Homeopath
Jo Permaul, Founder of Resilient Therapists.
I'm a Homeopath and Life Coach. I work with people who are ill and vulnerable. There may be times when I reach out a hand or hug a patient if they needed some support. During Corona Virus I can work online and post remedies out, luckily this will work for me. The physical connection isn't there and the one-to-one energy has somewhat altered in the online dynamic, but the bottom line for me is that I can still work and do what I love to do - heal patients.
However, I know and work with lots of therapists. Being part of a multi-disciplinary clinic team is great. Sharing ideas, seeing things from different perspectives, and the wisdom is amazing! But no one saw what was coming and the impact this would have on an industry that does such valuable work.
You see, I believe us therapists have what amounts to gold dust. We literally understand how the body works in such ways that can heal, transform and help manifest huge life changes. We support the work of our National Health Service, we complement and we offer alternative options for those with different mindsets. We quietly get on with healing people and we are all hugely passionate about what we do, because many of us have had to go through moments of self-healing in order to understand how our therapies work. We have become resilient and refuse to let a virus destroy our business.
So can you see why I am wanting to support and coach therapists at this time. I've always loved therapists of any sort really, they are my tribe. A wonderful bunch of creative, resilient, open-minded and nurturing professionals who help to make the world a better place.
My mission is simple, to help therapists create a resilient business. It may be that Covid-19 is the trigger to get us all to think more strategically about the work we do and the impact on the world. A kind of metaphorical kick up the ....
How can work in a business that has intimacy, connection, often touch (especially if you are a masseuse, osteopath, reflexologist, etc) at its very core at a time when those pursuits are being withdrawn? What can we be doing instead? How can we become Resilient Therapists?
Join me in my community Resilient Therapists and join the discussion. I'm running a series of free webinars to get us talking, sharing and collaborating. All you need to do is sign up to be posted of when the conversations are happening.
Jo began her journey with homeopathy ten years ago. She has worked at 3 multi-disciplinary clinics, looked after a team of therapists and wellbeing advisors at Weleda UK and coached therapists to grow, evolve and sustain their practices. Jo wants therapists to up their game and create businesses that change the world!