Biggest Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Still Make!
Dr Ava Eagle Brown
International Speaker| Book Publisher | Book Coach | The Mango Girl | I Talk Books | | MultipotentiaLite | | Founder: | Women & Mindset | Trainer | | Board Chair
Let me ask you this question, have you ever felt stuck in your business or afraid to make the wrong move?
After years of stalling and giving up, I finally decided to step out on faith and started my business.
Let me tell you something; along the way, I crashed into these five mistakes I have shared below. The journey of entrepreneurship does level out as you and your business grow and expand, but there's still the possibility of falling prey to the things I've outlined below, so make sure you read the complete list.
1. Fear of Failure
Of course, you're scared. You quit your job and invested ALL of your time, money, and resources into your budding business or service. This is a normal reaction to the unknown.
BUT don't let the fear of failure in your business stop you from giving it your all! Remember, the best way to overcome fear is to do the thing you're afraid of anyway.
Are you uncomfortable with writing? Try it anyway.
Are you afraid that no one will want to buy your product or service? Keep pitching it always to those that will listen. I have done that and still do so , in-fact I did it today before I did this article. Of course, I am always scared, but don't let the fear paralyse me. Todd Bellemare said it best; courage is facing your fears. Stupidity is fearing nothing.
2. Paralysis by Analysis
My coach once told me it is better out than perfect' -this was a lifesaver! Thanks Shayla.
I hate to break it to you, but no matter how much you try or how much you prepare, your business will never be perfect. You'll have some areas that are working really well. You'll have some areas that are doing okay, and then you'll have some areas below critical at times. But that's okay.
Pursuing Perfection in your business or life, for that matter, will drive you crazy! Plus, if you're always so focused on trying to cross every `t's and dot every `i' all the time, you won't appreciate the things that are actually thriving in your business. If this is you, take a minute to count up all your wins and focus on that you try to make everything perfect the next time. Don't let being a classic over-thinker ( perfection paralysis)- ruin your dreams of running your own business.
Can I tell you something?
I recall when I published my first two books, after reading them, I found a few mistakes (now I would much prefer this was not the case, built it was). I didn't stop and lamented on that as it got me the visibility. I needed to make money to re-edit the books then.
Now I am not saying put out sloppy work-but some of us are stuck with wanting perfection to the point where we miss out on the most significant opportunities.
I know someone who took months to launch a product because she wanted it so perfect that by the time she came out with it - two others were on the market. It nearly crushed er mental health.
These are some of my best explanations of the top five mistakes made in entrepreneurship. And take it from me, I know what you're facing during these early stages. I made a lot of them myself!
You'll never have it all together at the exact moment you want it. But do it anyway!
Don't let your wishing get in the way of what you can make a reality. Success comes to those who dare to begin. So start today, not tomorrow - TODAY!
3. Offering Your Services to People Who Don't Want It
Do you remember the "know-it-alls" from school? The folks you can't tell anything to? Well, they exist in the business world too. These are not the people you want to spend your time trying to help.
Focus your business solutions on the people asking YOU for the answers to their questions. Turn your attention to your supporters and encouragers. Utilise your current customer base and ask them to refer you to other people. Then, GIVE THEM WHAT THEY'RE ASKING FOR. Create your services and products around the stuff you know they need because they already told you.
Mind blown, this is …I know.
These are the people that will help your business start to grow.
4. Not Investing in yourself
I have this saying, 'Highway free 99 is closed,' and I had to make it up as everyone almost wanted what I had to offer for FREE!
Investing in yourself is not an option!
You're the most essential part of your business because your business will do the same when you excel and grow. There are tons of free resources out there, but the downside is the limitations they have.
Eventually, you're going to have to pay some amount of money to get more out of the service or product you're after. You may not be able to spend the kind of money you want on training, conferences, and software now, and that's okay, but don't eliminate them from your to-do list.
Listen to me, your business deserves the best boss YOU can be. If you believe in your vision and business, then take the time to invest now so you can gain later.
I have personally invested time and money into the resources I needed to grow my businesses to this point. It has not been easy, especially as a single mum, for almost all my life as a parent.
But I will never look back, especially after COVID!
5. Fear of the ask!
When I did sales back in one of my B2B roles, they would say every no is closer to a yes, and I do live and believe in that then and more so now!
The fear of asking means that what you need could be in the hands of the person you were too scared to ask for that favour or thing.
Re-read all the above and, honestly, identify which best describe you.
Now ask yourself what you have missed because of these and just get up and DO IT!
Dr. Ava Eagle Brown -Multi-award-winning International Speaker, Author, and Transformation mindset business coach.
Dr. Ava Eagle Brown coaches, trains, and speaks globally to help others shift their mindsets to change their lives and businesses- ultimately affecting their bottom-line. She proves that your past doesn't have to determine your future. She has mastered her mindset and loves to help others do the same.
Dr. Ava Eagle Brown grew up in Jamaica, selling mangoes on trains as a child. Today, she is a World-Renowned Master Coach, a multi-award-winning International Keynote Speaker, CEO, and household name. Ava has helped thousands worldwide, teaching them how to master their mindset and live their best lives.
See more of her here :
Helping Black Women Into Executive Positions (C-Suite & Board) | Empowering Organisations & CEOs Develop Effective, Efficient & Excellent Thinkers Around Their "Leadership Table" |Cranfield Doctoral Researcher | Speaker
1 年Exactly!!!
Inclusive Leadership Isn’t a Trend. It’s the Future. | Executive Coach | B-Corp Business Leader | Chartered Engineer
3 年Ava, thanks for sharing!