Biggest Marketing Challenges For 2023: #5
Powerful Marketers
Work Smarter, Not Harder! A Place For Marketing Tools, Training, Community, And In-Person Support. ??
Do you feel like you are constantly doubting when making marketing decisions? Do you think you don't experience the outcome you wish? Or do you feel that everything seems to work differently than you want?
Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. What are the things you may need to consider to change to expect different results?
We have already covered many marketing challenges for this year, like:
And now we are heading to, last but not least:?Unrealistic expectations for marketers!
What do I mean by that?
You can't build a house with an all-in-one guy who is at the same time an architect, construction site manager, bricklayer, painter, electrician, plumber, etc. The same goes with marketing; you need different skilled people. To build strong marketing, you need a talent who has the right mindset, understands the fundamentals of marketing and its alignment with business growth, realizes the professional skills required to execute strategy, and has excellent communication and leadership skills. But most marketers are overwhelmed, working through burnout and trying to do everything alone without realizing the big picture. Hiring a talent requires many things, as people want to feel valued, feel a sense of belonging, see the potential to grow, etc. Still, in marketing, business owners have to challenge the thinking of searching for this one person who does well in everything from strategy to Facebook posts. Remember:?having the right talent, which can lead marketing strongly,?will save a lot of time, money, and nerves?in the long run for any business!
Do you have the right people around us to help you?
Do you know how all the pieces in marketing fit together?
If not, you are welcome to join other like-minded people at our next?international Mastermind meeting to get the support, insights, and connections?you need! Mark your calendar for Feb 14th at 15:30 UTC.
I am looking forward to meeting you there!
Sincerely yours,
Mari-Liis from Powerful Marketers