Biggest Life Lesson from Contemporary Dancing
Rajan Thananayagam
Enabling people succeed in career and life | Exploring Human Potential
In this series, professionals thank those who helped them reach where they are today. Read the posts here, then write your own. Use #ThankYourMentor and @mention your mentor when sharing.
“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how',” – Viktor E Frankl
In an era when wealth and fame a person creates is a direct measure of success, my teacher showed a paradigm of achievement that is unparalleled and noble by touching so many lives in so many positive ways. As a youngster, I enjoyed dancing contemporary ballet and it was one of my toughest undertakings. I learnt and loved this beautiful art under the watchful eyes of my teacher fondly known as @Aunty Oosha. However, what I learnt from her was much more than dancing and it was a journey that set to change my life in so many different ways than one.
She is a great humanitarian who had the biggest influence in my life next to my parents. She was like the studio mirror that transcended the physical reflection and made me see the inner reaches within myself. Her teaching and influence were such that I realised that our capabilities were limited only by our thinking and our mortal bodies were capable of a lot more than what we know and understand. This was the biggest shift in my thinking since I first started to dance.
True to her underlying genius, she was least hesitant to give a piece of her mind when laziness blinded her dancers or taken cover behind lame excuses - she puts them in proper perspective. This saw my temperamental younger self on the wrong end of her moods most of the time until one fine day I was given the most important lesson in my life. It was not dancing but a life principle. That lesson was Tenacity of Purpose.
She always stressed the importance of it in everything we did and showed us that there is no substitute for discipline, commitment and hard work. She inspired her dancers with this life principle.
The Tenacity of Purpose is your reason for being in your personal and professional life. When you have a strong enough of a purpose, you are inspired and you do not wait for external stimulus to motivate you. When you have a higher purpose and tenacious, you are no longer a driftwood that floats along the river but a strong oarsman paddling against the river currents to reach the destiny. So why it is important?
You’ll start with the end in mind (always!)
When you define your purpose, you have a clear idea of what you are set to achieve in your life and career even if it looks hazy and so far away initially. You’ll believe in the journey towards the end state even if it looks big, hairy and audacious at present.
You are proactive
As a time-tested principle beautifully described in Stephen Covey’s 7-habits of highly effective people, you will be proactive. In other words, you take responsibility for your action and destiny. You proactively make decisions rather than reacting to circumstances. You will be at the cause end of the spectrum rather than the effect.
It makes you prioritise and focus
Life is full of choices, possibilities and daily distractions. When a high purpose drives you, you prioritise your life in such a way that you will remove all possibilities and distractions, and chose a path that can efficiently deliver you to the end state. Then you will put all your energy into that chosen path by bringing relentless focus. Focus adds further clarity to your purpose.
It makes you commit and keeps you honest
When you are tenacious towards your purpose, it naturally translates into an unwavering commitment. Every time you take an action you are committed to that chosen path hundred percent with clarity and certainty. The half-hearted approach will not be part of your repertoire. You will become your critique challenging yourself when your commitment wanders around.
It drives you to take action
When you have too many choices, it is only too natural for procrastination to set in. You know you have to take action but not sure which one. However, when you have clarity of purpose, you will remove choices not aligned with your values and beliefs, and commit to the best course of action and make it happen.
It taps into your creativity
When you face a ‘roadblock’ in your path, your determination and tenacity will tap into your creative resources either break through the barrier or find a way around it.
It sets you up to go in search of excellence
One thing I learnt in dancing, perfection is elusive. As human beings, we are perfectly imperfect. When a purpose drives you, hard-work is the norm. Mediocrity has no place. You are constantly looking for every opportunity to improve by stretching beyond your comfort zone. Your drive to continually improve may reach, at times, a level of insanity.
It teaches you to have faith in self
When the whole world around you doubts you, it is the tenacity of purpose that makes you believe in yourself and have faith. It is your faith that drives you to greater heights and instills confidence in self.
It ignites your passion
When you have a strong purpose, you are naturally passionate about life in general. You passion can be contagious and it is a feeling that shines through your work and in your interactions with people. It is your passion that gives you hope.
Her lessons still guide me in my personal and professional life. When I think back, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation I wonder in awe the way @Aunty Oosha influenced my life with great compassion. Thank you so much.