The biggest lie in HR: “People quit managers”

The biggest lie in HR: “People quit managers”

Spot the odd one out:

  1. We only use 10% of our brain
  2. The daddy long legs is the most poisonous spider in the world but has fangs too tiny to pierce human skin
  3. People don’t leave organizations. They leave managers

Trick question! There is no odd one out. They are all myths that have been well and truly busted.

But it makes sense!

One of my favorite quotes is: “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong”- H. L. Mencken.

So much of what we consider settled wisdom is actually a case of enough people have said it enough times, so it must be true. This is especially so when something sounds reasonable and makes sense.

It’s worth noting that the biggest proponent of the idea that that “people leave bosses rather than companies” has been management consultancy Gallup.

To the way that Gallup look at the world, this makes a lot of sense. They’re selling management training, so a lot of things look like management problems. But as Abraham Maslow said in 1966, "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Testing the claim with Culture Amp data

Gallup doesn’t make its data available for public review, so, we turned to Culture Amp’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Jason McPherson, to test the veracity of the claim that more often than not when people leave a company it's because of their manager.

Jason reviewed the available literature and research and came up with no conclusive evidence to back up the assertion. So we decided, as an organization, to combine available information with our own data from hundreds of the world’s fastest growing companies with an open mind to the outcome.

We examined teams with a minimum of eight people, because as Peter Drucker says, paraphrased, less than five direct reports and you're not really a manager. We wanted to ensure we were looking at true managers across the 175 teams we analyzed with a view to understanding why somebody is or isn’t committed to their current workplace.

You can read more about the analysis we ran here on the Culture Amp blog.

To summarize the findings, we discovered:

1.    yes, people leave bad managers, but it is not the number one reason people leave a company,

2.    in “good” companies, managers make a difference, but

3.    in “bad” companies, good or bad managers make little to no difference to a person’s decision to leave.

What does this mean for organizations?

Organizations that believe the “leaving managers” myth focus their attention in the wrong areas when they’re trying to address their retention problems.

Here’s what organizations need to know about keeping good people:

1. Management matters, but other things matter more

A lack of career development opportunities, learning opportunities or a visible and achievable path to promotion are all big red flags from a retention perspective (as you can see in the visual below).

The impact of different factors on team commitment levels

Source: Culture Amp

Our data showed that the percentages of people whose decision to leave an organization was driven by a manager or pay was roughly even at 12% and 11% respectively. Leadership was more than double that at 28%. Development opportunities came in at a whopping 52%, dwarfing the other factors as the driver of the decision to leave.

We wanted to go deeper. Splitting managers into two cohorts - above average and below average - we cross-referenced against organizations with above average and below average development opportunities. This is where things get really interesting:

The impact of good management (controlling for development opportunities)

Source: Culture Amp

As you can see above, management does impact the level of commitment – as long as there are good development opportunities. But in companies with below-average opportunity, the difference in commitment between people with good managers and those with bad is… zero.

2. People blame managers when they should be blaming the system

Some people blame the manager for a lack of career progression, and sometimes they’re right. But often the progression of a manager’s direct reports is out of their control. Factors such as how the company is structured, what type of work the business is prioritizing and how the organization thinks about applying people to that work all come in to play.

Skilled managers make a big difference, of course. Why else recruit the best to your management team?

But there are things that an organization can do to create an environment for engagement, which managers alone cannot do. In addressing a retention issue, priority one should be creating learning and development opportunities and real chances for progression.

What does your data say about your retention issue?

Like all areas of people and culture, having good data can avoid costly errors in addressing retention issues. If people are leaving, examine whether the organization is truly creating an environment of learning and development opportunities. If so, a good manager can make a sizable difference. If not, removing the manager is not likely to address a high turnover problem.

Like most myths, the one that “people don’t leave companies, they leave managers” contains a kernel of truth. Managers matter, but not nearly as much as leadership and development opportunities.

Don’t make an expensive mistake. Monitor your data and track what’s really driving commitment at your organization. Knowing where you sit allows you to address people retention problems accordingly.


Didier Elzinga is a People Geek and CEO/Co-Founder of Culture Amp. You can follow Didier on MediumTwitter or LinkedIn. This post was first published on the Culture Amp blog.

Davor Ga?parac

Senior Program Manager & BA Chapter Lead (Erste Digital GmbH) | Speaker, Conference Moderator/Chairman, Agile Coach & Executive Consultant for Project/Program/Change Management/Digital/Architecture (Freelance/Contract)

7 年

Interesting article, but actually nothing new. If you read the book that was written based on mentioned Gallup research (Marcus Buckingham: First, break all the rules) - even Gallup itself will reveal the same: managers are important, but they operate in environment of the company whcih can make or break the best managers. I guess it's not Gallup who coined this phrase, but rather thepopulation of trainers who sell trainings for managers. Or, simply, many people just forward phrases without thinking what is behind and understanding its limits.


Sr. Project Manager @ World Wide Technology | Delivering Customer Value

7 年

Very interesting article. Thanks Didier Elzinga. I worked in a company that had little strategic vision, reactive leadership, and low morale. Turnover was high and frequent reorganizations were common. As a project manger/scrum master/product owner, I worked with the engineering manager for a few years and saw his focus on serving our engineers and making them feel they were valued members of our team. When all other teams were losing people, not one engineer left our team. I believe that is a testament to the engineering manager making a difference in keeping talent in a struggling organization. I do agree that there are many more factors for employees deciding to leave a company, but I also have seen where great mangers do make a difference. Thanks again for sharing!

Marshall Henley

Executive Disciplines for World-class Orgs | Payment Systems, POS, HR/Payroll for SMBs

7 年

Great article! I don't understand how, if your data in 1. is correct, you can make the statement "2. People blame managers when they should be blaming the system" - it doesn't appear to correlate with your data. They appear to be "blaming the system" = scoring low on development opportunities. Where am I going wrong here?

David Cross

Currently working to expand my Networking experience and knowledge of IT systems and operations.

7 年

I am a formerly harassed employee at UTI. terminated for bringing harassment to the surface and all they did was transfer the guy who was harassing the instructors, students and even the manager!!! The corporate environment was such a disappointment!

Joseph PL Koh

CMO ex CHRO | Empowering Natives, Social Enterprise l Executive Search l High team performance.

7 年

I am not sure. Is it the system or the people?



