The Biggest HR Technology Trends for 2023
For anyone who works in HR, having the right technology can make a big difference when it comes to getting things done. Tech evolves at such a fast pace, though, that what seemed to work well last year or even last month can quickly feel obsolete.?
Fortunately, there are plenty of great HR technology trends to consider. That can help you choose the best ones that meet your needs. To do that, though, you need a good understanding of technology in HR and how the changes in tech are affecting the way HR professionals do their jobs.
What is HR Technology, and How is It Changing the Job?
While HR technology is often just seen as the hardware and software used to track employees, their benefits, their hours, and other details, It’s actually a lot more complex than that.?
There are so many functions in an HR department today, and many employees who work in this field are continually asked to do even more. With the right tech, HR professionals can accomplish tasks more efficiently, provide better accuracy, and still do more in less time.
What are Some Examples of HR Technologies and the Resulting Changes?
The biggest example of HR technology from the past is HR software itself. Before this was an option, paper files were used to keep track of everything. Not only did that take up impressive amounts of room, but it made finding information difficult and confusing.
The cloud is another example of a game-changer for HR, because it meant that gaining access to files could be done safely and securely from nearly anywhere. That allowed for travel, work-from-home options, and other levels of freedom and protection that didn’t exist before.
The Biggest and Best of the 2023 HR Technology Trends
Advances in HR technology have continued, and 2023 promises to be an important year of advancement for this sector. Here are six of the biggest trends, and what they mean for HR professionals.
1. Hybrid Workplace Elevation
While many companies let their employees work remotely over the last couple of years, there is a shift back to in-person work. Not every company will go back to fully in person, though, with a lot of businesses adopting a hybrid model.
Unfortunately, some of the companies moving toward hybridization are going to fail because they don’t have all the needed plans in place to make a successful move. Many of the challenges that have to be solved will fall to HR, including engagement, interconnectivity, and the overall employee experience. Quality options for hybrid work will make this task easier.
2. Hyper-Personalization
People like to know they’re being heard. They want to feel seen and valued. With hyper-personalization options it will be easier than ever for employees to feel that way, with little to no additional work on the part of HR.
This will help HR bring out the very best in the company’s employees, make sure they’re all in roles that help them succeed, and move toward work that’s more meaningful. It’s a great way for everyone to work together more cohesively, led by the HR department.
3. Automated Payroll Options
Payroll is one of the most difficult areas for HR professionals. Not only is it often complicated by the number of people to keep track of, it’s also an area that has to be handled correctly for financial and legal purposes.?
With payroll technology from Aspen HR, you can automate many of the payroll functions your HR department performs. That improves accuracy, reduces the chances for errors, and helps ensure that everyone in the company is seeing the right numbers every pay period.
4. Employee Self-Service
While HR professionals will always be needed, having some self-service options for employees can take the stress off your HR department. That makes getting the job done easier, and can reduce the hours your HR team has to work in one specific area.
Not all options and changes will be self-service, of course, and reviews of some changes will still be needed. But the goal is to free up the HR professional’s time and also give the employee more autonomy over their HR-based needs.
5. Improvements to the Cloud
The cloud isn’t new, but the changes and improvements being made to it are part of a bigger trend. HR professionals will find that there will be more options for efficiency and access, bringing additional value.
The security of cloud-based solutions is another area where questions often arise, and continuous improvements are a part of this area of concern. Especially where employee information is involved, cloud-based options have to be secure, strong, and useful.
6. Data-Driven Diversity
Diversity and inclusion are both very important in the workplace. But sometimes it’s hard to get data that allows for the right understanding of this issue. Knowing more about employees can help encourage proper treatment of every demographic class.
With HR data collection that’s automated, your company can get all the information they’re looking for and employees can opt-out if they don’t wish to answer. This also helps employees feel comfortable answering honestly, because the ability to do so is automated and convenient.
The Right HR Services Make All the Difference
You want to make sure you have the best HR option for your company, and Aspen HR can provide you with the quality and value you need and deserve. Reach out to us today, and let’s talk about your company’s needs for payroll, employee benefits, and a quality white glove HR service you can rely on.