Biggest Enemies of Success
Saara A Tomar
Internationally Certified & Accredited Coach, Author & Mentor Master Trainer & Assessor - IFC, World Bank, ICF-ACC
I have been receiving many questions about why people fail even though they have reached a good position in life. Here are 4 things that I could place a finger on and decided to write this article.
1) Being complacent: the drive to succeed should never fade away. You should always have the drive to keep improving, have the drive. The moment you fall behind in that aspect you will start losing the grip on things. There is a perfect quote that describes this “achieving the championship is easy but keeping the title is the difficult part
2) Not being optimistic enough or being more optimistic than required: there have been many cases in the past where people become too optimistic about the results that they are going to achieve. They often fail to see what is going around them and keep on working as they have been and face the danger of failing even though they were on the verge of succeeding. There are also examples of people who were about to succeed but gave up on it because they were not optimistic enough.
3) Not having a set goal! The biggest question of all times is what is it that defines your success? There are many out there who start working towards one goal but, midway change their goals and start with something entirely different even though they were about to reach the goals! They keep forgetting or giving up on the predefined goals or due to lack of them and keep struggling defining what the goals actually were.
4) Lack of personal development: after reaching a particular goal most people stop developing their skills. It is always better to have more skills under your wings to be able to deal with varied kind of people. In the work life, we meet many people who specialize in different fields and often it has been seen that they do not take an interest in any sort of personal development activities, which are ideally recommended.
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