The biggest difference between running ads for e-comm vs. service companies:
Parmpreet Kaur
Digital Marketing Specialist | Shopping Websites Expert | SEO | Brand Building | Websites expert | 300+ Websites devloped | Eccomerce Specialist | LinkedIn Content Creator | Google Services|Diversity of Thought |
The biggest difference between running ads for e-comm vs. service companies:(And why knowing them makes us good at both.)Is that with e-comm, the buying window is unlimited.i.e.
A clothing brand can sell a shirt any time of year and target customers to buy e-com companies:- Rely on discounts- Put offers in all their ads- Focus on repeat business to up CLVBut when running paid ads for service companies:
1. Timing is crucialFor a B2B Finance Platform, your—- Market is limited- Prospects are already using a competitor- Targets are the people looking to switch to a new solution? So you’ll only make the conversion if you catch them at the exact time they’re looking.
2. Brand loyalty is built-inFor a service like plumbing, one job done well means you’ve got a customer for life.So lifetime value for a single conversion includes:- Repeat business- Emergency service- And referrals to friends and family? That means you can afford a higher CPL.
3. Brand Awareness Drives RevenueFor a medium-ticket SaaS company, customers:- Start with a free trial- Book a demo or a sales call- Then sign onto a subscription planSo your main goals are:? Keep customers from churning?
Control the brand’s appearance with organic content? Use paid ads to show the value of your service instead of relying on offers.Bottom line:What works for e-comm will bomb for service companies.Are you working with someone who knows the difference?
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