Biggest benefit of Trump going to a psychiatric referral would be an end to suicidal behavior of present GOP. See story :GOP voters prioritize economy
A Crossing of the Rubicon event awaits DC, as Trump is now orchestrating suicidal choices in GOP voters which before would not have been so vulnerable. For the record, due to Trump messaging and mentally ill priorities millions of US Citizens are on target to die.
The science of PANDEMICS makes it clear that forcing arbitrary re openings will heighten, not lower joblessness. It is not a matter of people being warriors.
The inevitable feedback loop will result in the worst election losses of the GOP of ANY party in US history, with the GOP being relegated to a suicide cult.
What Trump is selling will bastardize US politics for a generation. I.e. I cannot tell you of the epic slap down which awaits Trump's base, and the carnage which will ensue. This is, again nothing to do with people allegedly being "warriors". It is not about testosterone, it is not about bravery. It is something else.
Liberating the GOP from this cult of death foisted upon the GOP by a psychopath POTUS is the only way the GOP will survive 2020.
Here is the big news for the GOP including GOP senators: You win and win BIG if you get Trump to a psychiatric facility. You save your party to fight another day and to survive if you stop this death cult.
See this below. It is dangerous
As Trump rushes to reopen, bubble of ignorance separates GOP from rest of Americans
By Kerry Eleveld / Daily Kos (05/13/2020) -
May 14, 2020
If Donald Trump is selling it, Republican voters are buying it, which, in turn, drives the actions of GOP lawmakers. In the case of the coronavirus, that means Trump’s rush to reopen has gained steam among Republican voters and lawmakers even as it alienates them from the rest of the voting public.
That Trump-inspired feedback loop is evident in the latest polling from Politico/Morning Consult showing that Republicans are now beginning to lean heavily into prioritizing the economy over public health as Trump pushes to reopen America for business.
While 56% of voters overall say they are more worried about the public health impact of the coronavirus than the economic impact, just 38% of Republicans and Republican leaners share that view—a 12-point drop from a month ago when half of GOP voters said public health was their biggest concern.
The survey question asked whether respondents were more concerned about: 1) The economic impact of coronavirus including the effect on the stock market and increased unemployment; or 2) The public health impact of coronavirus including the spread of the disease which would cause more deaths.
Democrats expressed far more concern about public health, 72% to 16%. Independents chose public health over the economy 54% to 34%, almost the reverse image of Republicans, 38% of whom chose public health, compared to the 55% who favored the economic impact.
What that suggests is Trump’s rhetoric is having the desired effect of trickling down to Republican voters and therefore influencing Republican lawmakers. At the same time, it is absolutely dividing the Republican party from the experience of the rest of the nation and indeed creating an alternate reality that could be ripe for a reality check in the coming weeks.
End of quote
Why is this important ? The GOP does not get it, especially TRUMP that premature opening of the economy will drive MORE unemployment and heighten the unemployment problem.
See this:
36 million have sought US unemployment aid since virus hit
The Associated Press
May 14, 2020, 8:40 AM
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 3 million laid-off workers applied for U.S. unemployment benefits last week as the viral outbreak led more companies to slash jobs even though most states have begun to let some businesses reopen under certain restrictions.
Roughly 36 million people have now filed for jobless aid in the two months since the coronavirus first forced millions of businesses to close their doors and shrink their workforces, the Labor Department said Thursday.
Still, the number of first-time applications has now declined for six straight weeks, suggesting that a dwindling number of companies are reducing their payrolls.
By historical standards, though, the latest tally shows that the number of weekly jobless claims remains enormous, reflecting an economy that is sinking into a severe downturn. Last week’s pace of new applications for aid is still four times the record high that prevailed before the coronavirus struck hard in March.
Jobless workers in some states are still reporting difficulty applying for or receiving benefits. These include free-lance, gig and self-employed workers, who became newly eligible for jobless aid this year.
The states that are now easing lockdowns are doing so in varied ways. Ohio has permitted warehouses, most offices, factories, and construction companies to reopen, but restaurants and bars remain closed for indoor sit-down service.
A handful of states have gone further, including Georgia, which has opened barber shops, bowling alleys, tattoo parlors and gyms. South Carolina has reopened beach hotels, and Texas has reopened shopping malls.
Data from private firms suggest that some previously laid-off workers have started to return to small businesses in those states, though the number of applications for unemployment benefits remains high.
The latest jobless claims follow a devastating jobs report last week. The government said the unemployment rate soared to 14.7% in April, the highest rate since the Great Depression, and employers shed a stunning 20.5 million jobs. A decade’s worth of job growth was wiped out in a single month.
Even those figures failed to capture the full scale of the damage. The government said many workers in April were counted as employed but absent from work but should have been counted as temporarily unemployed.
Millions of other laid-off workers didn’t look for a new job in April, likely discouraged by their prospects in a mostly shuttered economy, and weren’t included, either. If all those people had been counted as unemployed, the jobless rate would have reached nearly 24%.
Most economists have forecast that the official unemployment rate could hit 18% or higher in May before potentially declining by summer.
The job market’s collapse has occurred with dizzying speed. As recently as February, the unemployment rate was 3.5%, a half-century low. Employers had added jobs for a record 9? years. Even in March, unemployment was just 4.4%.
Now, with few Americans shopping, traveling, eating out or otherwise spending normally, economists are projecting that the gross domestic product — the broadest gauge of economic activity — is shrinking in the April-June quarter at a roughly 40% annual rate. That would be the deepest quarterly contraction on record.
Few analysts expect a quick rebound. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned Wednesday that the virus-induced recession could turn into a prolonged downturn that would erode workers’ skills and employment connections while bankrupting many small businesses.
Powell urged Congress and the White House to consider additional spending and tax measures to help small businesses and households avoid bankruptcy.
Powell spoke a day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, proposed a $3 trillion aid package that would direct money to state and local governments, households and health-care workers. Trump administration officials have countered that they want to first see how previous federal aid packages affect the economy. And Republican leaders in Congress have expressed skepticism about approving significant more spending right now.
Trump is applauding the moves to reopen states’ economies in hopes of reducing unemployment. So far, there is limited evidence on how that is working.
Homebase, a software company that provides time-clock technology to small businesses, has tracked how many employees have clocked in and for how many hours since the pandemic struck. Though Homebase’s data suggests that some people have returned to work in states that have partially reopened, it’s unclear how sustainable that trend can be unless many more customers return. All states remain far below their pre-virus employment levels.
In Georgia, which began reopening in late April, the number of people working at small businesses on Tuesday was down 37% compared with the beginning of March, according to Homebase’s data. That is an improvement from mid-April, when the number of employees working had fallen by half.
In New York, which remains mostly shut down, employment at small businesses is down 63% as of Tuesday, only slightly better than in mid-April.
Copyright ? 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.
End of quote
Here is the big news for the GOP including GOP senators: You win and win BIG if you get Trump to a psychiatric facility. You save your party to fight another day and to survive if you stop this death cult.
YOU of the GOP if you get Trump into a psychiatric facility save the following
A. Over a million American lives will be spared
B. Your party will live to fight another day, and have a chance of future GOP presidents
C. Your party will restore itself to what it was BEFORE Trump
There are no down sides to committing Trump to a psychiatric facility. The nation will live and we will have an end of the mass suicide cult now threatening the nation.
What the hell do you have to lose ? You have been highjacked, GOP, and it is as simple as that. Save yourselves as well as spare the nation this agony.
Andrew Beckwith, PhD