The Biggest Battles are with Ourselves
When it comes to fulfilling your goals and your life's ambitions, what’s the biggest obstacle that you’re facing today? What’s getting in the way of your quest for success? It’s easy to compile a long list of all the reasons why we’re not making progress but how often do you consider the impact of your own thoughts and feelings?
Having an inspiring set of goals can be highly motivating and give us the impetus we need to get started. But maintaining momentum can be a challenge. Many of the people I’ve counselled over the years were hampered by doubts and fears about their worthiness and ability to make their dreams a reality. It reminded me of someone pressing the accelerator to the floor whilst keeping one foot firmly on the brake pedal. Our beliefs make a huge impact on our behaviour. Our attitude can make a major difference to our energy, commitment, determination and creativity. Deep down, if we don’t believe we can achieve whatever we set out to accomplish, we’ll be more inclined to quit when we hit an obstacle. In reality, the biggest obstacles are within our own hearts and minds.
You can test this idea easily enough by asking yourself how you feel when you run into a challenge. Disappointment and a sense of frustration are completely normal. But do you feel like quitting? Has the situation just given you confirmation that you’ll never make your vision a reality??Or are you ready to work the problem and find a way to keep going? The difference is striking because people who refuse to give up in the face of discomfort or difficulties are going to succeed. And that’s the point of this short discussion. Recognising your doubts and fears and exposing them to the light of reason can help to remove a great deal of internal resistance in your life. You might be very pleasantly surprised at how much easier your quest for success becomes when you give yourself complete permission to succeed.