Bigger Than Your Body
Your body is amazing. Think of all the things is just "knows" how to do. It circulates blood, digests food, heals itself of minor cuts and bruises, blinks, breathes, and performs thousands of other necessary functions every single second of every single day you're alive.
And it does all of that without you even having to "think" about it.
Your body keeps itself from getting sick, and it recovers itself when it does. It sees, hears, feels, tastes, smells -- and it has the sense to do all of these things without ever having been taught how to do them.
It performs the amazing feat of balancing itself in two legs, something -- considering its size, shape, proportions, and gravity -- it has no business doing.
And yet....
We can't really consider the body "smart", right?
Instincts? Yes! Absolutely! Other animals have bodies, too, complete with all of those instincts and abilities. But something, whatever it is -- reason, intelligence, awareness, self-awareness, "soul", something else -- separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
Ask yourself: are you -- the you inside of you that makes you you -- located in your body? Or are you located in the "something else"?
That's a loaded question, isn't it? Who can resist the temptation to associate themselves with that "something else"? Everyone likes being told, "You're something else" -- especially if that "something else" is mysterious.
Even if I unload that question and ask, "Are you more than your physical body?" I still think you get what I'm after here. As remarkable as your body is, you somehow know (with some apology to John Mayer): You are bigger than your body.