Bigger than Madoff. Bigger than the Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis. The Criminal Short Epidemic

You would think after Bernie Madoff, the Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis and the 100's of multi billion dollar ponzi schemes that almost bankrupt the country and world. That we would be policing these markets more vigantly than ever before, the fact is the opposite is happening. Wall Street is being policed mostly as a Self Regulated Organiztion(SRO) with minimum oversight from the SEC, FINRA, FBI or the Justice Department.

What I am about to tell you will frighten you to no end and will leave you feeling like that the criminals have taken over and are runnning the biggest sector of the financial markets in the USA Today. The fact is before the financial collapse and much more after the collapse the largest financial corporations have been involved in the most corrupt and Illegal short scheme ever in the history of this country. It seems this is what we get when criminals in the 2008 collapse did trillions in damages and stole 100s of billions with minimal consequences .What they have done and how they have done it is so dispicable that they are now the new  "TO BIG TO FAIL" model again and why we are seeing no actons taken against them.

What have they done and how have they done it? the largest financial corporations in the country (ALL OF THEM) have conspired into the largest illegal criminal Short conspiracy EVER. Which is simply this,we have a system where you are allowed to short certain stocks based on certain rules. What they have done is violated all the rules and made the illegal shorting of stocks a way to illegally make money as they crush publicly traded corporations into the ground. they like to target the microcap or small cap stocks because they have the least resources to weather these attacks. the large corps are bigger scores but they can fight back with litigation, press and large share holders to buy as much as they are willingly to sell. so what are we really talking about here ? we are talking about a large scale illegal system where all the largest financial corporations illegally violate all the rules for shorting/Borrowing/fails to deliver and make massive amounts of money as they put extordinary selling pressure/shorting on publically traded stocks, mostly microcaps and smallcaps. How? by the SEC/FINRA  are not or can not police these markets and the fact how these shares are transfered is by DTC which is owned and regulated by the large financial corporations. its good to be the criminal and the police when you are a criminal. When you own and control all the records you can steal literally at will. All these large financial corporations have made billions of dollars on this SCAM and would have to go out of business if it was corrected. TOO BIG TO FAIL. AGAIN. So what has been done, is the biggest and most malicious criminals in this country have massively benefited from running this scam. What are the costs? they have destroyed 1000's of publicaly traded companies putting many out of business or severely hurting their abilty to operate and grow moving forward. Stealing billions of dollars from shareholders of smaller corporations strictly through a illegal and criminal system that did not or could not stop these blatant criminals. they have killed millions of high paying jobs that come from the small to middle sized companies. Now we have a system where it is almost impossible to get reasonable financing for these sized companies because all the previous financiers have lost so much money because the stocks of these companies has been destroyed and been illegally shorted into the dirt. they are very reluctant to invest more into such a blatantly corrupt market space.

Lets be clear on specifically what the allegations are. We have just had the NY Times report the Goldman Sachs was convicted of doing this for over 7yrs and they were find 15 mil dollars. see link below. What they and their criminal  friends made was billions. please note all the the other large financial firms settled out of court. it must be nice to criminally steal so much then not even disclose how much you paid and without admitting what you did wrong. seems like the perfect crime. How can any honest person ever think this is acceptable. Does that seem fair to anyone? Guess what? no one lost their liscense or went to jail. Guess what they think of this criminal activity? A great way to make money with almost zero consquences. Seriously if you could steal billions of dollars and worse case is after 7 yrs from now you may have to give back 15 mil. do you think you would stop your criminal ways? well the facts are they are more brazen that ever!!! its a system of a pay to play scam and if your paying the bribes directly to the Federal Regulators or the politicians that have oversight to  regulate these markets you have been  literally liscensed to steal with little ot no consquences. This is after the same bastards almost bankrupt the country and world that we let them do this.

 The real problem here is this is exactly what we had with Madoff.  when the  criminals become the entrenched interests in every aspect of the financial community all the way up to the over sight commitees as Madoff did we become being ruled by the criminals themselves. the fact is now the problem is so overwhemling prevalent that if we ended it tomorrow we would have to bankrupt all the largest financial corporations. So once again the criminals create so much criminal activity that we are suppose to bail them out for there devastating, criminal act's that created so so so much pain and suffering for millions of others as they received so much money and adoration, all because the problem they created is so large that we cant or dont want to create any more damage. the day has come where now we need to do what is right.  convict and jail a wide spread of everyone involved in these acts. Not like when we gave all the criminals in the lst collapse a bail out, no loss of jobs and no one went to jail. This time we need EVERYONE INVOVED no matter if its 100s or 1000's to go to jail. 

The real tragedy here is all the companies destroyed by these criminals, continued to be destroyed by these criminals and all the shareholders that lost billions of dollars at the hands of these deviants will never see a dime. once again it will be a nice big fine for the goverment who didnt police the markets and nothing for the real victims. If they ever get convicted.  There is a overwhemling mountain of emperical data that absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt proves all of this and it is the reason  that  Goldman Sachs was convicted. I promise you there was little in the way of the federal regulators that proved the evidence to get the convictions. The evidence was vastly provided by Law firms, Companies and Share Intel doing massive amounts of research

How in the world can we expect kids straight out of college to expose and convict these criminals. the SEC doesnt have the budget or talent to catch and convict these criminals. Especially when the avg age is 2yrs out of college and they only took the job so they could get a job on wall st. they don't want to rock the boat or upset anyone. they strictly want to do a couple of years with the SEC and get a job on Wall st and the large financial firms feast on these kids.

So when you take bribery and corruption and leverage it into billions of dollars in criminal activities by entrenched interests that self regulate and we have kids as the cops. We end up with the most corrupt system run by criminals that are also the cops at the devastating costs to all there millions of victims/shareholders putting 1,000s of companies out of business and killing millions of high paid jobs. Or as the criminals would say"everyones doing it, so what"

Nicholas Quarmby

The two pillars of political correctness are, willful ignorance and a steadfast refusal to face the truth. – George MacDonald Fraser

9 年

well put Dennis


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