The bigger the dream, the more important the team | Inside MiSmile
The MiSmile Network
Join the only GDP network supported by Align Technology, with proven experience to fast-track your Invisalign growth.
Creating the perfect team as a business owner is like assembling a well-balanced orchestra.
Each team member is an instrument with their own unique skills and strengths. The key is not just having the best individual players, but ensuring they work well together.?
And the conductor doesn’t play all the instruments either, but instead guides and directs the flow, making sure each section works in sync.
So as a business owner or practice manager, you can't do it all. Making sure you have a team that understands your vision and you understand theirs is key to growing your Invisalign cases and scaling your business.
So how best can you ensure to have a team that works efficiently and effectively together?
?? foster collaboration
?? create a culture of accountability
?? delegate to the right people
Try following the TEAM Model to ensure all your systems and methods are in sync, and most importantly, you’re looking after each other in the process.
T ailor
?? Who are the people you need on your team to make your dream happen??
?? Are there any roles not filled that could enhance your patient journey? (TCO etc)
?? Is everyone matched to the correct role?
E fficiency
?? Are you letting go of some of the reigns and sharing the workload?
?? Do you have the correct systems in place that create the most seamless journey for your practice?
A ccountability?
?? Are you monitoring your Invisalign case progress?
?? What does your team need to help keep them motivated?
M onitoring
?? Numbers, numbers, numbers! Is someone keeping track of financials?
Work together, look after you and your team and you'll create the best outcome for your patients and your practice.