BigFix - Use Web Reports to Monitor Your Environment and keep it healthy
With BigFix you can easily gather information about your environment such as how much Ram is installed, software installed, disk space, even if the machine has a pending restart, registry settings, as far as to a specific line in a text file.?But you also have the ability to alert you or generate a helpdesk ticket if any of that information changes.?For example, with web reports you can be notified if your Relay is running out of disk space.?You could do the same if a service stops on a particular service, a server is running low on disk space, a machine is rebooted, etc.?The first step would be to create a fixlet that checks for the data you want to be notified about.?For this exercise we will use the built in fixlet “WARNING: BES Relay is Low on Free Disk Space”
Log into Web Reports and select Explore Data
Select Content
Add to your Filter by selecting the +
Select the Dropdown and change it to Content
Select Name from the Property Drop down
Type in the name contains warning: bes relay is low
Select Apply Filter
Now Save the Report by selecting the Save Report Button
Give the Report a name.?I am naming mine Alerts – Relay Low on Disk Space
Now Select the Report List
Find the Newly Created Report and select the Scheduled Option where it says no
Select CSV
Generate report on every refresh
And select send/email store archive only when report has changed
Add your email (If you want to generate a helpdesk ticket with your alert you can put in your email address listener from your helpdesk here)
And give your report a title so you get the alert
Now anytime one of your Relays runs out of disk space you will get an email alert notifying you. Again this is endless so any information you want to be alerted about you can easily set something like this up.
Here are some other alerts you can setup